Friday, February 01, 2008

So Anyway...

What can you say...


Matthew said...

So yeah, we've got like three or four kids over here that aren't ours, and they are all staying for the night! Ugh! I suppose it might get worse before it gets better, we'll see!

Matthew said...

I think at times people take adavantage of us because we are so 'easy', who knows. "Hey, can my rugrat stay over there tonight?" "Sure" Is the typical response, of course the person answering the phone is usually one of my kids, then they inform us AFTER the fact that so and so is spending the night... NOT that we mind, but I'm just saying...

Andrea said...

Wierd kid. Lock your doors toinght. Stay safe.

WHO is marci? said...

poor kid.

Petra said...


Jackie said...

cute video amd cute kid. Poor little guy, I sure hope his dad isn't checking your blog. :D Amazing how honest young kids are. The call it how they see it.

And aren't you glad that all the kids want to come to your house? I would think that would be fun!

Jackie said...

that should be a "they" :D

Matthew said...

Yeah, I would rather have them over here than to have mine elsewhere... It's funny when I take them somewhere, you should see the looks I get, but I suppose some people get that all the time, i.e. Petra and Kendra. :)

Petra said...

lol. Yeah, I have people ask me how old I am all the time - they just can't contain themselves. Apparently I don't look my age, and when you add five kids, including a teenager, to that - they are in shock. It always amuses me. :)

Matthew said...

It is rather amusing, I saw a couple in Lowe's today that couldn't even control the one kid they had! I'm always like, "Wow"!

Petra said...

That amazes me too... the parents whose kid is screaming and lying on the floor in a tantrum and the parent is pleading with them "please get up? we'll get some ice-cream if you just bear with me in the store for a few more minutes. please?" Ugh! Makes me want to vomit. lol!