Friday, February 29, 2008
Did You Know...
What do these advances in technology mean? I don't even think we know or can predict, but they do predict that by 2013 there will be a supercomputer in place that will exceed the computation capability of the human brain. By 2023, the computer most people will be able to buy for $1,000 will exceed the computation capability of the human brain, and by 2049, that same $1,000 computer will exceed the computation capability of the entire human race... Absolutely amazing, and I can't wait!
It is also estimated that 1.5 exabytes of new, unique information will be generated worldwide this year, which is a LOT of information. Just to give you an idea of what an exabyte is, at the end of 1999, the sum of all human-produced information (including all audio, video recordings and text/books) was about 12 exabytes of data.
It will be stunning to see what people will be able to do with that sort of computing power at their command... The even funnier thing is, people that are currently studying technology, whatever they learn this year will be obsolete the year after next. The top ten jobs that will be in demand in 2010 didn't even exist in 2004. So pay attention to what's going on around you kids... :)
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Leprechaun in Mobile, Alabama
The sad thing is, there are people like this ALL over the country... The even sadder part is, they all have the ability to vote...
5 Books That Can Actually Make You Stupider...
The title alone proves the retardedness of everyone who's even touched it three times over...
4. "How to Solve Sudoku: A Step-by-Step Guide (52 Brilliant Ideas)"
People like to believe that they're undiscovered super-geniuses because they can outwit the back page of a daily newspaper, which is why Sudoku are carefully crafted to actually be about as difficult as writing down your credit card number...
3. "More Joy ... : An Advanced Guide to Solo Sex"
The funny thing about this one is, it's actually a sequel...
2. "Supercharging Quantum-Touch"
In reality it's what happens when someone sees a copy of Scientific American in the trash while trying to think up an official sounding name for 'waving your hands mystically and going ooga-booga.'
1. "Much Ado About Nothing: The Restored Klingon Text"
This book is proof that a small but very profitable core of fans will buy absolutely anything connected to their chosen obsession...
Just a paraphrase, full article here: Article...
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Now, who was the legislator who was the one who got the legislation through the Senate, House and signed into law?
John McCain - Campaign Reform Act...
Who is the person who pushed to get it through?
George Soros - Soros' "Reform"...
"...Soros, one of the richest men in the world, backed campaign finance reform with huge cash donations to a wide variety of Washington "reform" special interest groups to accomplish what his funding conduit called an effort "to reduce the corrupting influence of very large donors" and to ban pre-election "issue advocacy" ads by groups like the NRA..."
Soros has given millions to and other groups, but the latest is the icing on the cake...
"Former presidential candidate John Edwards and his wife Elizabeth joined, the Service Employees union, and other groups Feb. 25 in launching a $20 million Iraq/Recession Campaign that will target war hawk Republican presidential candidate John McCain and congressional Republicans."
The loopholes in the law championed by McCain, pushed by Soros, are now being used to setup a group to spend millions to do nothing but SLAM McCain from here until November...
Brilliant!!! On George Soros' part... McCain, not so much...
Not that this has anything to do with it, but I thought this was an interesting take on the failed Clinton campaign that may or may not be over after tonights debate:
The Clintons - Out of touch, out of tune, out of time...
So whether we want him or not, it may soon be President Barack Obama to you...
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Spring Cleaning...

Anyway, yeah, that's about it going on here... Trying to finish a few things inside that Carolyn wants done because in a few weeks, it's outside I go and I won't be back inside doing crap like this until next winter... :)
Friday, February 22, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Blah, Blah, Blah...
Monday, February 18, 2008
Blast from the past...
So I've been transferring video from my video camera to the computer - WOW! Tedious to say the least! The files are SO massive as well, that little clip ended up being 124MB! Hopefully I'll figure out a better way to compress them and not lose any quality... I wonder how many of the tapes I have will even get transferred?? No, there isn't too much else going on, just cleaning up outside and getting ready to charge ahead and finish all the chores I stopped working on once it got cold, pics soon... :)
Thursday, February 14, 2008
It's Down To Three...
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Book Clubs...
the History Book Club...
Four books for $1 each plus shipping, which was $11.71, so in a few weeks I'll have:
*1776 (which I've heard was pretty good, forget who told me, think it was Titus)
*The Greatest Presidential Stories Never Told (looked interesting)
*The Great Warming (actually have been doing research on global warming, so might come in handy :)
*The Dangerous Book For Boys (how to make all sorts of things that appeal to boys, I'm sure Carolyn will be thrilled. Not sure what the book has to do with history, but I'm sure Chance and Tanner will love it!)
So if anyone else wants to join and didn't receive the mass mailing in the mail, let me know and I'll send you the code.
I've always wondered how the various book clubs even stay in business... I RARELY purchase anything beyond the initial offer, because most of the book clubs have the worst databases in the world and usually send me the same offer to join two or three times a year, stunning really! Seems like I have joined the History Book Club in the past, yet it still let me join again, and I've had the same e-mail address for about 8 years and the same address for about 7 years, so yeah, wow!
Monday, February 11, 2008
My Choice...

Friday, February 08, 2008
School Dance...

I'd have posted more pictures, but there weren't that many taken... Of course I was in the food line helping serve everyone because SO many parents volunteer to help out! Whoever was supposed to relieve me never even showed up, of course I could go on and on about that... We brought half the kids in the neighborhood with us because their parents didn't want to take them, so we ended up taking them. So Carolyn had to watch all the kids "stuff" while the kids ran around and participated in all the stuff going on, so yeah, needless to say Carolyn and I are GLAD we are back home now!! The kids have a blast though at things like this, so I suppose it's all worth it in the end...
Thursday, February 07, 2008

Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Monday, February 04, 2008
Back To My Obsession...
St. Thomas Church, Morgantown, Pa: A Parish History 1740-1990
He sent me a few files, I've responded back to him with more data so hope to hear more. Is anyone else interested in this stuff?? I did buy that book off of Ebay a few days ago, but have not received it yet. If anyone is interested in getting updates via e-mail when I find out new things, let me know, I'll put you on the 'list'... :)
It intrigues me to no end for some reason, why? I have no freaking clue... It just does... :)
Not Much Going On Here...
Jason Bateman Confirms Arrested Development Movie Talks...
Might be pretty good if they keep the same characters... :)
Of course tomorrow is the primary here, along with about 21 other states, hope everyone votes. Remember the discussion on Petra's site about how Obama was a muslim? Well, I e-mailed him to inquire, not expecting to get a response of course... I did though:
"Dear Friend,
Thank you for contacting us about false and slanderous rumors against Senator Obama. Senator Obama is a committed Christian and has never been a member of any other religion. He joined the United Church of Christ nearly 20 years ago and was sworn into the Senate on the Bible.
Please see the Senator's reply below. We encourage you to share it with others who have heard this story. You can also click here to get the facts:
Obama is a committed Christian.
Obama for America
He went on to say:
"Thank you for inquiring about the false rumor circulating in cyberspace and fanned by the right wing media that I was educated in a madrassa when I was a child living with my mother in Indonesia."
More followed of course, if you want it I'll forward it to you... I'm sure it's his "canned speech" to whoever asks, but hey, I thought I'd ask... :) No, I STILL haven't decided who I will vote for tomorrow... Not that Obama would need my vote here in Georgia, because I think he will take this state on the Democratic side. I'll likely vote for a Republican in the primary though, come the General?? Who knows, I guess it depends on who is there to vote for. I suppose though, as I've stated before, it will come down to voting for who I dislike the least...
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Yeah, I'm Watching It...

May Not Be For Everyone...
John and Jill were about to go into his apartment, and before he could open his door, Jill said, "Wait a minute, I can tell how a man makes love by how he unlocks his door."
John says, "Well, give me some examples."
Jill proceeds to tell him, "Well, the first way is, if a guy shoves his key into the lock, and opens the door hard, then that means he is a rough lover and that isn't for me."
"The second way is if a man fumbles around and can't seem to find the keyhole, then that means he is inexperienced and that isn't for me either."
Then Jill said, "Honey, how do you unlock your door?"
John proceeds to say, "Well, first, before I do anything else, I lick the lock."