Monday, September 25, 2006


Hard to deal with I know... Yet how many of us have lost anyone? The only person that I really knew who I've lost is Grandpa Woods. My neighbor lost her husband one month, her son the next... I can barely fathom how she feels... Sure, I can have my son cut her grass, I can have my kids take her trash down on garbage day, but do I really know how she feels? No. Although having talked to her multiple times, she is actually happy they are in Heaven. She is just irritated that she has to remain here...

Life... We all have one, it's how we live it. I've gone to Baptist churches my whole life, I've seen them get split in two for the stupidest reasons, I've seen them get divided over the most ridiculous things... Mind boggling...

I've been going to a Methodist church for the past two months, I used to dread going to church, now I find that I can't wait until Sunday comes around so I CAN go to church, and to be honest, I have not yet, after almost two months, found ANYTHING I disagree with... The people are awesome, the music is great, the message is always right up my alley...

Of course my wife is amazed that I would ever step foot in a Methodist church, but I'm so happy there. I have never been happy in a Baptist church. Not sure where this is heading, just rambling here, but wow...

I was talking to my neighbor this evening, and I was telling her how much I loved the church, she told me, "I guess us Methodist are good for something"... She was right, they got me back in church, which is where my kids need to be...


Matthew said...

I'll say this, I thought we had 'found' a church with that Western Hills church, but it was just too tedious, they seemed to get too wrapped up in the 'ridiculous' issues as well, which is why I stopped going to church 20 years ago... I can't believe that people who 'claim' to have a belief in God would do that... So I wouldn't say that I'm a Methodist now, but I DO look forward to Sunday now, something I haven't done in 20 or so years...

Petra said...

That's awesome, Matt. Finding a church we feel comfortable in is difficult, at best. I'm glad you guys found one you like! :)