Maybe within the next year sometime I'll get around to hanging the closet doors, painting the baseboard in the closet and hanging the curtains... :) (Of course I'll likely hang the curtains this weekend as the boys like them closed at night, the rest though... :)
Those three tubs in the closet are the tubs we gave the boys, put the toys you want in there, that's ALL that is going in your room...
The rest of their toys will go into other tubs and join the 20 - 30 tubs already in the attic... We DO save all of their toys in the attic though, they can have them when they move out... :)
It looks great Matt! I have some tubs of toys in the shed myself. I don't save all of them, but they help in choosing the ones they want to get rid of. Sometimes I'm tempted to just put ALL of everyone's toys in the shed for good, then maybe the upstairs will stay clean. Ha. I'm sure they'd find something else to throw around though - Darby's favorite is to completely empty her dresser while looking for a t-shirt or whatever, and I can't really get rid of all her clothes. LOL
*that should read "the KIDS help in choosing..." :D
LOL... I reach the point, particularly when Christmas is right around the corner, hey, what do you play with? Then we throw the rest in the attic... Of course it's our fault for buying all the crap for them... :)
They'll have fun though when they have kids and have 100 tubs of toys to give them when they are born... :)
I would not save all of their toys either Petra, but Carolyn INSISTS on it... So up to the attic they go... :)
Of course this year for Christmas, we are going to take a trip, Bermuda, somewhere, no gifts... We'll see what we decide on... :)
Oh, I like the trip for Christmas idea! That sounds so fun. :)
Looks good. Our plan is to give our kid somewhere between, say, 10-20 total toys, one of which can be out and in use (a.k.a., "being played with").
20 - 30 tubs? You are outta control!
LOL Daniel... I know... My kids today actually filled up 10 more that are headed for the attic, so now it will be 30 - 40... :(
Of course to be fair, we did not buy them all those toys, on my wife's side there are only 6 kids and my wife has 4 brothers and sisters, and 4 of those kids belong to us, so a LOT of them come from them... What can you do? Tell people to stop buying your kids toys?? :)
I doubt your 'plan' will work out btw... You have too many relatives... :)
That's true Daniel. Wait until Grandpa and Grandma plus aunts and uncles start buying them toys!
The room looks great, Matt. Love the wood.
We have had the boys give some of their toys away to other kids that do not have as much. It works out pretty well because they get to see somebody else use it. The ones they want to keep we do pack away for when they have kids.
I reread your post Daniel, you guys will fold in 20 minutes... :)
When Daniel or Michelle Jr want to play with multiple toys at once, you guys will give in... That's my bet anyway... :)
LOL Daniel! I think somewhere in the distant past, I had a 'plan' like that. And actually, when Brittany was a toddler, her toys were always organized and her room got cleaned up every night before bed... fast forward 10 years, 4 more children, and wow. Good luck with the concentration-camp-style child-rearing though. ;) I'm kidding, but seriously, the more kids I have, the less of a neat freak I am - I figure my house will be clean once all my kids move out. :D :D :D
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