Friday, September 22, 2006

Clinton goes off...

Are you kidding me??

Clinton goes off...

Umm.. Didn't Sudan offer Osama bin Laden's head to him on a silver platter? Yeah, they did, I'll find the link and post it later...

These people are going crazy because they 'thought' that the Dems would just swoop into power in the November elections... Well, you have to actually have a stand on something for that to happen... I guess it could, but I doubt it will... The Democratic party today is the classic example of a group of idiots who could care less about the American people, and they spew their hatred of Bush, that is all they care about... You CANNOT run this Great Country when your only platform is that you HATE the President...


Matthew said...

Slick Willy... You got to love him... He's good, much better than that idiot at Fox who interviewed him...

Tim said...

He is good... too bad I am a right winger : )

Matthew said...

LOL... Yeah, so am I, or I like to call myself a conservative rather...

I think Clinton just lost it, I think he was a President during a time when nothing really happened other than that dot com boom, so he got the credit for it, even though it was destined to fail... So I don't really like Clinton, but I can point out a good politician when I see one... :)