Tuesday, September 19, 2006


It's amazing how many ideas that people come up with and they actually turn out to be successful... So if you are tired of working for the man, crank up the creativity...


Who would think that would be a good idea? They made nearly $200K last year though...


Chance used to have a pair of pants like this, this company made over a half a million last year selling them...


T-Shirts... Just when you think the whole t-shirt market is tapped out, this company made over $6 million last year and expect to triple that number this year...


Umm... Fishing lures for jewelry?? May not work everywhere, but it would likely work where I live... :)


Certainly not a new idea, but a LOT of people have started successful businesses removing people's unwanted junk...


Huh?? Who would have thought? Revenue between $1.4 and $2.3 million??

Ideas are endless... Just need the old entrepreneurial bug I guess...


Petra said...

Cool. Hey, I like those grandma pants, and I would definitely buy the lunchbags, t-shirts and even the fishing lure jewelry (I like to be different). :D

Huh. Maybe I should come up with something. I mean, I make a few bucks selling things on ebay, but I'm sure I could do more than that!!!

Matthew said...

Not sure where you ever came up with that Marci, I never said anything of the sort...

Quite the contrary, anyone who works hard will be successful...

Matthew said...

Here is an interesting blog that might get the creative juices flowing...

Blog link here...

These are examples Marci of what hard work and a good idea will do... I still don't know where you came up with the concept in your comment... I never said anything like that, anyone who knows me, knows I have always had an entrepreneurial streak in me... Don't you remember the books Titus and I wrote? The crafts? :)

Jackie said...

ahhh the crafts, I heard about your wood making crafts. :) pretty funny story!!

Great ideas though!!! Gets the mind going...

Matthew said...

LOL... Yeah, Titus and I sat at the craft fair for a weekend, I think we did break even, and even made a few bucks, but wow...