Monday, September 11, 2006


I'm not sure if anyone saw the President speak tonight, yes, he is Our President, like it or not!

Did anyone see the movie that the Clinton's tried to prevent ABC from running? I watched it... Makes you wonder what all the Bush haters have going on... Umm... We have a country to protect, no, hatred of Bush will not do that... Nor will being politically correct... Idiots...

This happened on Bush's watch, no question, to hear the fools that act as if it is his fault makes me sick...

That is where we are at though as a Nation! The idiots and morons who think that this is somehow all Bush's fault actually seem to have more voice than the sane people who rally together when crap like this happens... Huh?? Yeah it's true, the kooks have highjacked this Great Land, and if people who care about this Country don't wake the @#$%##@ up, we are screwed....

There are people in my own family who think Bush is to blame for 9/11... That is the battle we are in... So go home, do nothing, and I guarantee you that a city in our Country will be destroyed by some sort of nuclear device... Maybe that is what it will take to wake us up...


Petra said...

I didn't see the President speak, or the movie.

I think people just feel like they need someone to blame. They hear something on the liberal news media and they jump on the bandwagon without knowing any of the actual facts.

Andy has another form letter coming soon - he i.m.ed part of it to me and there is some good stuff in there. Should be there in a couple of weeks. :)

Joshua Goodling said...

I thought President Bush did an excellent job last night. And yes, the stupid idiotic liberal media and politicians of today have got to be one of the worst things that has happened to our country. As far as I'm concerned, they are doing a LOT more damage to America than Osama and his legion of bafoons ever could. I think many of them should be tried for treason.

I don't agree with Bush on 100% of what he does as President, but he has done a great job of keeping his focus on fighting this war on terrorism and not bowing to the pressures of the liberals and media.