Yeah, it worked out rather well I must say... Chance loves it, and Carolyn was a bit nervous about the whole affair I might add, but it turned out great!! I did so much research on this, and I will say that SO many people who "homeschool" just throw stuff at their children and expect them to learn, but there is no interaction... Many of the kooks I met at the Homeschool Expo, in my opinion, were not only not qualified to homeschool, but were not ever qualified to have children!! Teaching requires interaction... Between the student and the teacher, you can't just buy a bunch of material, or have them sit in front of a computer and expect them to learn... Don't get me on that soap box though... We aren't doing it that way though, there is teaching and interaction... It's working out great though, of course this is only day one... :)

This is "shop class"... I'm teaching Chance how to repair his dirt bike so I no longer have to do it for him... :) Of course the hour ran out and it was back to a Social Studies class, so the dirt bike did not get repaired, but we'll finish it tomorrow... :)
Chance with one of his 'geckos'... Yeah, I know his shirt is filthy, but he is clean now... They ARE boys after all... :)
Chance and Tanner with their "animals"... Chance spent all weekend making that "stand" for his lizards, and he is quite proud of it... I actually started letting them use my power miter saw a few days ago, so who knows what they will make... Carolyn wasn't so sure about the whole thing, but they are boys, they have to learn how to build things... I DO have to give them safety lessons periodically though... :)
So anyway, all in all, the homeschooling is going great! I do have to remind Chance that it IS real school though, but he has been great, of course this IS only the first day, but I think it is going to be just fine!!
Tanner was standing in front of his hamster cage because he told me after I took the picture, "The flash will make them nervous." LOL! Well, they know more about their animals than I do, and I'm glad, because honestly, I could care less about a hamster or a lizard... :)
I DO care about my kids hamsters and lizards though... Really, I do... :)
Yeah, my garage is an effing mess, but what do you expect, the ENTIRE neighborhood comes over and "builds" crap in my garage because I guess their parents won't let them... I do though, they have to learn somehow... I do make them clean up their mess, but they don't always do such a great job... Whatever...
Glad the homeschooling is going well.
I'm so glad we don't have animals right now. I'm sure I've mentioned that though. lol. :)
Yeah on the homeschooling, Chance is very bright and I am glad you all are fine tuning his education.
That is wonderful that the homeschooling thing is going well. I agree, if you have the time and you got stuff to teach... giddy up!! :D
With kids, does anything stay clean?? With animals even... nothing is clean!!
LOL Jackie, no, with kids and pets, it's a constant chore to keep things clean... :)
Homeschooling is going well actually, we spent the first week just kind of getting in the groove, so I think next week will be a lot better, we'll soon see! :)
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