Which I HATE doing I might add, 99% of the time I can logon to systems remotely, but it's that 1% of the time that I have to actually drive to the office to tend to an unresponsive system or one that has crashed for whatever reason... So anyway, Tanner and Taylor wanted to go with me, so they did... :)
Tanner, obviously, he LOVES going there I might add, even though they go about once a year, if that... :)
Taylor, I think her favorite part of the whole ordeal is the snack machine in the break room... :)
Tanner in my cubicle, he did not want to leave when I told them it was time to go... He was like, "Oh man, do we have to? I LOVE this place!" :)
Taylor, they also liked the fact that they had to "sign in" at the Security desk and get badges... They wanted to keep them, and were disappointed when the Security guard took them back on our way out...
The "sea of cubicles" where I work... Floor, after floor, after floor of them...
Yeah, the camera that I had with me SUCKS!
LOL!! I used to love to go to work with my parents. Fun stuff to see what the adults do. :D
My kids love going to work with Andy too. They don't get to very often, but now and then. :)
Yeah, my kids love going, but I never bring them unless I get called in during non-business hours...
I would also add, there are about twelve rows of racks like that in the computer room... I'm going to start teaching my children more about technology, because I think, particularly at their age, if they don't understand technology, they will be at an extreme disadvantage as they get older... I know there are people that disagree with that, but I disagree with them, and I hope that the people who do disagree teach their children skills that they can actually USE when they grow up!! There are a few professions that aren't going anywhere, technology is one of them... Some of the "traditional" things that people teach their children are going the way of VCR's... Whatever though, I only have three children, but I will MAKE sure that they understand what is going on in this global economy...
I completely agree. Kids today NEED to be taught about technology!! I have some kids that are more interested than others. At school now, though, they have to do so much on the computer, etc. that they at least have to learn a little without prodding.
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