Okay, so it's not actually his birthday, but we celebrated it today as it falls on Monday... Of course, if you'll remember, we got him that "early birthday present", the go-kart, but that has long since been forgotten, as I suspected it would at the time... Oh well, tis life... (Not that it's been forgotten, but the fact that it was actually a 'birthday present' kind of was... :)
Tanner hamming it up while we sing Happy Birthday to him... He wanted a pumpkin pie as well as a cake, that boy LOVES pumpkin pie!! So a cake and pumpkin pie he had... :)
The party attendees... Seems like Nate and Lorenzo are always around whenever there are parties, etc... Not sure if that is planned, or just coincidence... :)
Tanner insisted on unwrapping all his presents with his eyes closed, he would then turn and see what it was...
Tanner also loves to draw, so we got him tons of sketch pads, charcoals and pencils, so hopefully he'll have plenty for a while!
Of course this was what he wanted the most... He'll sit there for hours putting stuff together like that... He also loves to take things apart, so we encourage that as well... Of course it's usually stuff that no longer works, we'll wait a few more years before we give him stuff that actually still works to take apart and then put back together... :)
Happy Birthday Tanner
Happy early Birthday Tanner. Our boys love Legos too, Binks got some for his birthday :).
Happy birthday Tanner!!! :)
happy birthday tanner :)
by the way - I like your dining room furniture! :)
Thanks... A $300 Craigslist find! :)
Looks like you had a great day!!!!
Gotta loves craigslist!!!
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