So we finally got Bo's new "home" finished, we put in the 'doggie door' today so he can go inside or out whenever he wants to... The kids were rather ecstatic about the whole thing...
Bo and his 'doggie door' into that garage...
Chance and Tanner playing with Bo after they showed him how to go in and out the door, at first he didn't seem to want to, but soon figured out it was rather easy... :)
I know how Bo loves to dig, so we dug trenches all around the fence, drove stakes in the ground and wired the stakes to the bottom of the fence, then filled the trenches halfway with rocks and broken bricks, then topped it all of with concrete... So I doubt he'll be able to dig out anyway... :)
And of course Taylor... She LOVES to sit there and draw on the whiteboard in the 'school room'...
I'm going to paint that garage the same color as the pool house, one of these days... :)
We are also going to spray paint that chain link fence black so that it will match the pool fence and the deck railing, but that will actually happen next week likely once we get back from camping...
Speaking of camping, I just got an e-mail with the campsite we got assigned, and it is one of the campsites we used to "live" at when we were kids... So the kids should enjoy some of those stories around the campfire at night... :)
Nice fence! We need something like that for KC. We are camping this weekend too, cub scout camp at Ft. Micheals. Should be fun. Hope you all have a blast remembering the days at the campground :).
it looks great, we need one of those for elle... aaa! a house dog is not a good thing with while carpets
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