I just can't get over the fact that we are about to give these two yahoos a trillion dollars with virtually ZERO oversight or accountability?!?!?! Particularly the fact that the Democrats in the 90's, under Bill Clinton, are the ones who demanded that loans be made to minorities and people who could not afford them... Now they of course blame Bush for the issue, not that he is innocent, but wow!! Are Americans that Fing stupid?? I guess they are...
I was getting caught up on the news last night and WOW. I wish I could go back to ignorance. I was sitting open-mouthed as I was reading about Bush's speech regarding the 'bailout'. Not that I am shocked, but still - I guess insane decisions never cease to amaze me.
And the whole oil thing? Wow again.
What's awesome though, is that Lindsay Lohan being a lesbian is the number one news story viewed on cnn.com today. Explains alot about the state of our country.
LOL! Ignorance is bliss, so they say... :)
Yeah, that is the problem, more people care about the celebratards than they do about the important things... I suppose they likely always have, we just now have affirmation of it...
i say bail them out, own them and then sell them off in pieces, and make a profit.
One little problem there, the government is who caused the crisis, how can you possibly expect them to 'fix' it??
"And when Democrats left to caucus in the Roosevelt Room, Paulson pursued them, begging that they not “blow up” the legislation.
The former Goldman Sachs CEO even went down on one knee as if genuflecting, to which Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Cal.) is said to have joked, “I didn’t know you were Catholic.”
Article here...
This guy, who has made repeated mistakes in the past, wants this trillion dollars SO bad, everyone should be taking a closer look... Do people not realize how much money that is?? To let one man have control of that much money is asking for trouble, not to mention the corruption that will come with one person having control of that much money... Wow! Hopefully people wake up...
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