Yeah, I'm almost done with that stuff I'm building for that Sports Bar... Today should be the last day I have to spend working on it thankfully!! Carolyn has been staining the remaining deck posts and railings, so I should be able to get them up in the next few days and be able to cross the deck off of my list of things to do!! Yippee!! :)
Taylor and Sarah (our next door neighbor) have been playing school ALL day, they LOVE it...
I'm liking those roses Carolyn planted, those evergreen plants we had planted there, most of them died, Carolyn transplanted some of them elsewhere, so we'll see if they take to their "new" homes...
The bushes we planted on this side are thriving, so that is good!
Chance and his friend are swimming, they aren't interested in much else at the moment... I don't blame them, it is nearly 90 degrees out right now...
And yeah, that view will look a LOT nicer at the end of next week after I get the rest of the deck posts and rails on...
Yeah, that's pretty much what is going on around here today, Tanner is at our neighbors house, he spent the night last night, but I suppose will be back in a few hours... :)
I also could NOT finish fixing the Bobcat because I had to order a "special tool" at NAPA, so it will be here Wednesday, after that, I will get that backyard back in order and then Cory is going to lay sod for us all over the backyard... We CAN'T WAIT for that day to arrive I might add!!!! Soon, Matt, soon... :)
Looking awesome! I'm sure the sod will make it look even better. :)
Looks great :)
Pool looks awesome!! Wish ours was! darn thing is a pain to keep clean and sparkly!!
Do you use shock? That's basically what we use, keep chlorine tabs in the strainer and shock it every two weeks or so... :)
Of course I suppose the fact that mine has always been clean, and I didn't have to start with what you guys did helps as well... :)
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