Monday, September 08, 2008

The Buck Stops Somewhere Else...

Yeah, this is who we want " have the final say in matters relating to a $3-plus trillion federal budget and a $14-trillion economy in a town chock full of con artists and tricksters."


Matthew said...

Yeah, I could find PLENTY of stuff about McCain to post as well... My main gripe with Obama is he wants to take from the haves and give to the have nots... It's called wealth redistribution... When he says stuff like, "I want to take those excess profits..." Yeah, he's not for me, as much as I hate McCain...

The reason this country is the greatest country in the world is BECAUSE of our capitalist mentality. Obama wants to go to some socialist, Marxist thing where the haves give up 40% or more of their money to fund the have nots... Uh, been there, done that! We've spent trillions of dollars doing that, it HASN'T worked, the difference with Obama is, he wants to try it with the entire world!! He wants to turn the US Treasury into an ATM machine for the United Nations...

So yeah, I can't stand either one of them, but I think McCain is the lesser of the two evils...

Petra said...

I know - the more I read about what Obama wants to do with taxes, etc., the more he scares me! What blows my mind is that people are buying into it.

Matthew said...

It's mind boggling Petra, "The One", "The Messiah", on and on it goes... I think people are starting to wake up, particularly the more Obama starts to speak without a teleprompter, and not in front of tens of thousands of crazed fans...

He's done NOTHING, when they say he is a community organizer from Chicago, they are RIGHT! He wants to be the leader of the free world???? Yeah, I can't stand McCain, but I'll take McCain any day of the week over this guy, are you nuts??

Tim said...

Interesting, I know what you mean though. McCain is I feel the better of the two evils also in regards to our society.

Titus said...

As this election approaches quickly, we are going to be learning lots and lots about these guys. I am soo looking forward to the debates! Anyone know when they start that??


Matthew said...

LOL Jackie, yeah, we will be "learning" more and more as the election approaches, I'm sure both campaigns are digging deep and getting ready for a barage of ads... Stunning the picks we have though, but it is what it is...

Here is the debate schedule:

*September 26, 2008: Presidential debate with domestic policy focus, University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS
*October 2, 2008: Vice Presidential debate, Washington University, St. Louis, MO
*October 7, 2008: Presidential debate in a town hall format, Belmont University, Nashville, TN
*October 15, 2008: Presidential debate with foreign policy focus, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY

WHO is marci? said...

I too hope that McCain and Palin win, I'm not too much of a fan of McCain, but I DO not like Obama!!