Monday, September 29, 2008


I'm SO glad that "bailout" plan did NOT pass in its current form!!


Petra said...

No kidding!!! But looking at all the news sites, they are all "oh! I can't believe it didn't pass - what a CRISIS..." Wow. But if you read what any American other than the media has to say about it - they are ALL against the bailout plan.

Matthew said...

It's kind of funny looking at the Dems/Repubs who voted against it, nearly all of them are in close races for reelection...

Nearly all "average" Americans are against it that I talk to, and I suppose the ones who voted for it just assume that their constituents will forget they voted for it by the time the next elections rolls around, and they are likely correct...

Tim said...

To true, most people I know are against it too. Especially in the form it was.

WHO is marci? said...

did you see this? what do you think of it?

Jackie said...

Yea, WOW, It has just been crazy lately.

I haven't kept up on it all, but WOW!!!