Anyway, what a huge difference, each favoring a different VP as the so-called winner. I don't think any of them are that accurate. First of all, who even participates in polls, not the two I have listed, but the so-called 'scientific' polls? I NEVER do, anyone who calls me, I immediately tell them I'm not interested and hang up not even lingering to hear the response. Some polls do seem to be fairly accurate at times, but at other times, the polls by the same polling companies are way off, so is it just coincidence when they are fairly accurate?? Who knows. I still say this is anyone's game, and no one will know until Novemeber 4th or 5th, if not later... The next 32 days will certainly be interesting, that I do know. I'll just be glad when it's over, I just can't believe that out of 300+/- million people in this country, these are the two choices that we have... Wow!!
Anyone who reads my blog knows I go back and forth on these two people, here is one of the reasons why I can't stand McCain, even though I am currently leaning towards pulling the lever for him...
But rather than denounce the Bush-Paulson-Pelosi-Barney Frank plan as a rip-off of taxpayers, lacerate Obama and Co. for bedding down with the kleptocrats of Fannie Mae, and advancing his own McCain plan, McCain played the establishment man...
Which is what he does each and every time, goes with the "establishment", although, I do think I would rather four years of that as opposed to four years of a socialist, take from the rich and give to the people who don't even pay any taxes, and turn the US Treasury into an ATM for the United Nations...
Who knows though, November 4th is a LONG way off in this day of 24/7 news, internet, etc... Anything can happen...
I wish there was a better candidate too, i do think that palin held her own last night with biden, of course biden is an idiot so that probably wasn't too big of a hurdle for her
I haven't seen the debates yet. I keep meaning to watch them online but haven't gotten around to it yet (we don't get any TV channels b/c there is rarely anything on we want to watch, but now and then I kind of wish I had invested in at least some rabbit ears! lol!).
I hear you on the choices. Blah! I will vote for McCain over Obama though. But yeah - Nov 4th is a long ways off. We'll see what happens. :-P
Yeah, every time I "almost" think my decision is final, I hear or read crap like this:
"Asked if he would be a visible presence in international talks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and replace the Kyoto Protocol, McCain, who has clashed with fellow Republicans over climate change, said he would do 'whatever is necessary to try to move forward.'
"He said he would involve former Vice President Al Gore in efforts to address the issue. 'I would tap [Algore], I would tap people who have been involved in these issues for many years.' McCain noted that he disagreed with the Nobel Peace Prize winner about nuclear energy but added, 'I have great respect for Al Gore.'"
I mean are you kidding me?? I can just see McCain creating another cabinet post and naming Al Gore as the Secretary of Man-Made Global Warming... Wow! Obama just might get my vote after all... What a freaking decision this is going to be...
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