Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah...

I haven't felt like blogging much lately, and therefore haven't... :) I'm trying to get all these projects around here done so it will all be complete come Spring, which is right around the corner I might add!! I'm GLAD though, because I HATE cold weather! Not that we get much of it, it was in the high 60's for the most of last week, although it is now dipping back down into the 40's and I'm sure it will get colder before it is over, but I see the light at the end of the tunnel!! :)

I did get a call a few hours ago from my neighbor telling me I better get over there because Chance hurt himself on the trampoline, so that was quite the adrenaline rush I must say... Because that was the extent of the phone call, I said I'd be right over, and hung up and flew over there expecting who knows what... LUCKILY there was more blood than damage, and once the blood was cleaned up, it was just a little gash on the back of his head. I guess they were jumping on the thing and Chance was 'showing Tanner something' as he put it, and it didn't quite turn out the was it was supposed to and he hit his head on the bar that goes around the thing instead of the canvas... He is fine though, but wow! We are just getting over dealing with his tooth thing! He gets his temporary braces off tomorrow, but he has to have a root canal done next week on that tooth that came out, so that should be fun for him - NOT!! I'll keep you posted on how that goes...

I'm FINALLY getting ready to slap that deck together, I had the lumber delivered last April to build the thing... Of course I had it delivered BEFORE we decided to put the pool in, so I guess that is a good excuse as to why it isn't done yet... :) Of course some of the post holes I have to dig, not that I'll be doing it by hand or anything, are RIGHT where the electric, phone, etc come into that house... So I called 811 so they can come out and mark where they actually are, I wonder if I'll have to move the posts over?? I can just see me severing the electric cable with the power auger, sparks flying and me electrocuting myself... Well, hopefully that doesn't happen... :) I can't imagine though that slapping the deck together is THAT complicated, we'll see how that works out...

Now of course we have the Michigan results in, and which one of these morons running for the highest office in the land do you want to see in the White House? I don't think any of them get it, nor do the great unwashed masses either! I think Pat Buchanan sees it though:

Subprime Nation...

People don't get it... With ANY of the Democrats, they want to spend 50 - 150 billion more dollars in entitlement programs that we can ill afford. No one seems to realize that the baby boomers are all about to retire and Social Security will kill us, on and on I could go, but Pat pretty much spelled it out, but no one seems to care... I'm still trying to decide who I want to vote for, but it will soon be down to two and it will be much easier to decide... I just hope the choice isn't TOO painful!

Well, I better go put the kiddoes to bed, hope everyone is well!


Petra said...

Can't wait to see the deck progress! I'll be sure to add "that Matt doesn't electrocute himself" to my prayer list. :)

WHO is marci? said...

wow - poor chance has had a rough start to this year hasn't he? I'm glad he's ok...

good luck with the deck - be careful!!

Tim said...

Your right about people not caring, the apathy will be the death of us :).

Hope Chance does okay, we love the netting on our trampoline.

We are embarking on the whole building thing also, too many decisions :P.

Joshua Goodling said...

Poor Chance - he's getting all kinds of banged up this month!

And you are exactly right about people not caring. People I talk to at work are mostly of the attitude; "Anyone but Bush...". Bunch of morons!

Petra said...

How is Chance's head doing today?

Matthew said...

Yeah, quite the year for Chance thus far, he is a trooper though. He got his 'braces' off today though, but has to have a root canal next week. His head is doing fine, I thought we would have to take him for stitches last night, but once we got all the blood cleaned off, it wasn't a very big cut at all, so we just taped it up and he is doing well!

Titus said...

LOL!! You just taped up his head. LOL!! With duct tape?? :D

Glad to hear he is doing better!

A deck, that is fun! Keep Chance away! :D

WOW, has this election been fun! Have you seen the clip about "the gloves coming off" HILARIOUS!!!! Apparently, it is the new catch phrase for this election between Hillary and Obama.


Matthew said...

LOL! No duct tape... Just used some medical tape, although it didn't 'stick' too well because of the hair, but it's healed up pretty well now... :)

Yeah, the election is something else, what a circus, but MUCH more to come I'm afraid!