Saturday, January 19, 2008

Movie Reviews...

Okay, so hopefully if I WASTE my time watching an unwatchable movie, I'll save you the trouble of doing the same thing! So I'll update this as we watch each film...

*The Invisible: UNWATCHABLE!! Although we just spent the past 3 hours watching it... Yeah, it takes us a while to get through a movie because of all the breaks to get more firewood, smoke a cig, get another beer, get something to eat, tend to the kids, etc... :)

Next up: War...


Well, we didn't watch War, we ended up watching the Wendell Baker Story... Wow! I suppose if you have ABSOLUTELY nothing else to do, watch it, but if you have ANYTHING else to do, it's not one to waste your time with. Matter of fact, it was stupid. On to watch War... I wonder if that will be any better?? I doubt it, but whatever, I'm not doing anything today except watch movies and lay around, plenty of work to do the next two days, although to be honest, I would rather have worked than watched the last two movies, we'll see how this one goes... :)


Wow!! War is so stupid you can hardly make it up! So now I've spent the day watching these HORRIBLE movies! Whatever, now I am going to go watch Swordfish, because I know I like that one!


Petra said...

Keep the reviews coming; I haven't seen any of those movies.

And yeah - if we don't wait until after the kids are asleep, it takes us forEVER to watch a movie as well. lol

Titus said...

War was pretty stupid. I did like 3:10 to Yuma though.