Friday, January 04, 2008

Eagles-The Last Resort

Man, I forgot about this song!! I haven't listened to it in 15 years, but how true! This used to be one of my FAVORITES!


Matthew said...

It's a long song, but wow! I still like it! I used to play this song over, and over, and over... I'll have to get it on my iPod... :)

Matthew said...

Yeah, I was going to post something about the caucus, but no one that reads my blog seems that interested in who will be our next President...

Petra said...

lol @ your last comment. I'm interested! Andy likes Huckabee. I haven't read that much about him yet. I've been lost in my own little world, only hearing bits and pieces of the world around me.

Titus said...

i love that song!

huckabee??? really??? wow. whatever.

out of the current lineup, i'd say obama is the best shot.

Matthew said...

Yeah, I'm with you on Huckabee there Titus! Perhaps I'll post my comments about it all later... I'm sure everyone will be waiting with baited breath! :)

Petra said...

Obama?!?! Are you serious?!?! Wow.

Petra said...

And p.s. I still like good ole Fred. :)

Petra said...

Okay, I just read more on Huckabee (along with a few other candidates). Why don't you like him Matt? I haven't heard him speak, but from what I've read about his views - I like him so far.

Titus said...

LOL at fred as well. he's a joke. there is NO republican candidate in the field that we need, thank you.

not that a rep would have a real shot at the general election anyway.

Titus said...

for that matter, i would say it is irrelevant who wins the republican primary. and between hillary and obama, i'll pick obama all day.

Petra said...

Ti - I'm pretty sure we'll never agree on any candidate.

What's your stance on abortion, by the way? Gun control? Pulling the troops out of Iraq in one fell swoop? Health care?

Do we agree on any of these?

Titus said...

agree? i didn't read any of your stances on any of the issues you mention.

but, i can safely say that if you like fred or huckabee, you are right - we will never agree on who should be the next president.

Petra said...

Abortion - It's wrong 100% of the time.

Gun control - you take the guns away and the only ones that have guns are criminals. It wouldn't work.

Iraq - we pull all the troops out in Obama's 16 month plan and the Shiites and Sunis all slaughter one another as soon as we're gone. The Iraqi police are not ready to defend themselves. Most of the Democrats military plans seem to be based purely on emotions... and they keep comparing the loss of soldiers in the war on terror to the loss of soldiers in Vietnam and WWII - but the numbers are nowhere close in comparison.

Health care - most of the Democrats seem to want to turn our nation into a socialist, Communist government. Sure it would be nice if everyone had free health care... but who's going to pay for it?! I don't agree with taking from the rich to give to the poor. Definitely some changes need to be made so the drug companies aren't controlling everyone in the medical field... but I haven't heard a plan I agree with yet.


Petra said...

And p.s. I feel SO strongly about abortion, that if any candidate is all for "the women's right to choose" and/or partial birth abortion - I wouldn't vote for them even if I agreed with them on everything else.

And of course, I have many other views as well - that's just a sampling. :)

Petra said...

One more thing (sorry)... I do agree that I'd DEFINITELY pick Obama over Hillary any day!! She is horrible!!

Matthew said...

I've answered these in my post about the topic...

Or am going to now that is... :)

Titus said...

abortion should be illegal except in the cases of rape or incest, and for those i believe that the woman should be able to choose.

i believe it is every americans right to own guns if he/she chooses to, but i do NOT believe automatic weapons should be sold to the public. so, yes there should be federal gun control.

i think the iraq fiasco has to come to an end. i do not think a puppet government set up by us will bring a democratic nation to the middle east. nation building has NEVER worked in the past, and will not work now. in fact, i remember bush saying he was against nation building when he ran in 04, which is obviously laughable.

as for health care, the current system does not work, and hospitals are being overrun by emergency room use for health care by those without it, even for non-emergency issues, simply because hospitals don't turn those people back out into the street. we have turned into a nation of pill poppers, and someone has to foot the bill. i think requiring all people to buy health care (similar to requirements that all drivers have insurance) would NOT work. we would simply end up in the same situation we have now, where responsible people will have to pay extra for non-insured coverage, and the court cases would be ENDLESS.

Petra said...

I hate the requirement that we all have to have car insurance. Andy and I have wasted SO much money on car insurance (and have only used it once for something so small we could have paid for it with one insurance payment). I definitely agree that health insurance should NOT be a requirement either.

I can concur about the automatic weapons. I was talking about complete gun control... just generalizing. And I am definitely all for background checks on any weapon purchases. I am also for concealed carry with a license. And I'm all for security guards carrying guns on school grounds. I think many school shootings could have been either prevented, or at least lessened had the guards had guns on them.