Saturday, January 19, 2008

So Anyway...

Not much going on here... It's a pretty miserable day, wet, cold and snowing... They say we'll get 1 - 3 inches, but I don't think it will stick because the ground is not cold enough, we'll see though. The biggest 'struggle' is keeping the kids from tracking in the mud because they insist on going out in it, but they are pretty good about taking their shoes off and leaving them by the front door, hopefully that keeps up!

What are you going to do with your $800 or $1,600 that the government will soon send you? Not that it's anything new, the government has been 'buying' it's way out of recessions since the Great Depression. I'm not necessarily against giving 'tax rebates' to the people who actually paid taxes, but the VAST majority of the people who get them don't pay any tax at all! I'm certainly against income redistribution, which is exactly what it is! Take from the rich and give to the poor, of course if a Democrat is elected, there will be MUCH more income redistribution than there currently is... Good old socialism or Marxism, whatever you want to call it... Tax the rich, that is the mantra of every one of the Democrats who are running, not that the Republicans have done any better, they have spent money like drunken sailors over the past 7 years... Here is a fun chart that most people simply have zero clue about:

Many refer to them as the 'evil rich', because face it, poor people and people who don't have much don't much care for the 'evil rich'... So let's take from the rich and redistribute it to the 'less fortunate'. 'Less fortunate'?? Give me a freaking break, get off your lazy ass and do something... You'll never have anything laying on the couch watching TV, playing video games, surfing the internet and spending every dime you make on all the 'stuff' people like to buy and bring back to their 'boxes'... Of course you rarely hear that, it's mostly the tired rhetoric spewed by the likes of John Edwards about 'two Americas' and the 'class warfare' he keeps yammering on about... People are so stupid these days and so poorly educated that of course they buy into the whole thing, but people aren't getting any smarter, so I suppose it will continue... Well, I could go on and on about that topic... I'm sure everyone wants to hear about it! Whatever, I'll take my $1,600 dollar tax rebate, because it is a rebate for me as I actually DO pay taxes, and LOTS of them... :)

Speaking of laying around watching movies, I suppose that is what we are going to do for the rest of the day! So I better go start the fire and get started! :)


Jackie said...

LOL!! what movie are you watching?

I agree, America is getting lazier and lazier! Looking forward to my rebate! That's fun. How do they decide who gets what?

Matthew said...

Single people get $800 and married people get $1,600... I'm pretty sure that anyone who regularly files income tax returns gets them...

Let's see, kind of running out of options on the movies, but the ones we have are:

1. War
2. The Invisible
3. The Wendell Baker Story
4. Swordfish (I've seen this one about a dozen times, but like it, so I just bought the DVD today to have it on hand in case the other three are unwatchable! :)

Speaking of unwatchable, DON'T bother watching Shattered! 3:10 to Yuma was pretty good though! :)

Joshua Goodling said...

I read somewhere that only people who make less than $80,000 or something like that will get them. I'll have to see if I can find where that was.

Matthew said...

Hard to find many details on it, but this is about all I found:

"Under the plan the two sides are discussing privately, according to officials speaking on the condition of anonymity, the 10 percent income tax bracket would be reduced to zero for one year, meaning single workers would not pay tax on the first $8,025 of taxable income, nor would a married couple pay anything on the first $16,050. That would save them $800 and $1,600, respectively. The money would be sent to taxpayers right away in the form of rebate checks."

Article here...

They better send me one if they are sending everyone else one! :)

Petra said...

I'll take a rebate. Although we don't pay nearly the amount of taxes as we would in the civilian world, as the military gets some tax-free income, etc. Which I think they/we should. But I'm totally against redistributing wealth. It's ridiculous. I know people who make about 30 grand more than us a year, but our take home pay is roughly the same amount. What's the incentive to get promoted and make more cash?!

WHO is marci? said...

lol on the "evil rich" comments! I absolutely agree - these lazy people that want what everyone who has money has worked sooo hard to get kills me -