Thursday, January 24, 2008

I'm Sorry...

Is it THAT hard for some people to say? I think it is. Admission of doing something wrong. A simple 'I'm sorry, do you forgive me?' Not that hard. Some people however would NEVER admit they are wrong no matter what and no matter the cost. What brings this post up you might ask? Well, a lot of things, but mainly the reason is I accused one of my children of doing something they did not do, then realized that they didn't do it, and so I told them I was sorry and asked them to forgive me for accusing them for doing something they did not do. I was forgiven of course, and all is well. I'm just saying, is it THAT hard for people to admit wrong doing?? For some, I suppose it is...


Joshua Goodling said...

Yes - it's not the easiest thing to do, but it's DEFINITELY the right thing to do! Believe me, I know! I've had to apologize for the way I've acted or something I've said before, and it's much easier to just go ahead and do it than to try to hide from it or hope it will just go away.

Matthew said...

Could not agree more Joshua!!

WHO is marci? said...

I absolutley agree, admitting fault is a good thing if your in the wrong, more people should do this. - great post.

Jackie said...

I agree.

It doesn't happen often that people admit wrong, but it is always nice to see it happen. :D

Tim said...

I agree also, It is much easier just to apologize than to try to defend what you did that was wrong. I am not sure why people go to so much trouble to absolve themselves of being humans.

Petra said...

I guess pride prevents those 'some' people from every admitting any wrongdoing. Baffling, really.

Great post!

Petra said...

that would be 'ever', not 'every'. lol

Tanner said...

Human interaction... You can't help it. Unless you stay in your 'box' and never leave... So yeah, if you are at fault in a matter, then simply apologize. It's not that complicated. Stunning really that everyone doesn't grasp that concept... Tis life though I suppose...

Matthew said...

Yeah, that last post was by me, my kids all have blogs now... Wow! :)

Jackie said...

LOL! I was thinking those are BIG words for Tanner. Go Public School!! :D