Sunday, January 06, 2008

Our Next President...

I really don't care much for ANY of the candidates that are in the race, but we have to choose one of them... :) Of course come February 5th, it will be down to two, possibly three if someone runs as an Independent, and this year Super Tuesday will be the largest to date...

I think it really all boils down to who is actually electable, I also think this is an important election for our Country. One thing that really irks me though is to hear some of the candidates running around calling our Country a Democracy, when in fact we are a Federal Republic, so I think they should automatically be disqualified to even run, but I don't make the rules... :)

Here are the candidates stances on the issues:

2008 Presidential Election Candidates on the Issues...

More detailed views on a few key issues...

A HUGE deal with me are the ones who refuse to answer questions! Clinton comes to mind, she won't even bother to answer them at all, and when she does, they are scripted. I think that Clinton would be VERY bad for us, she is a calculating, dishonest and evil person who only cares about power and money, half the nation hates her, so we as a nation would be polarized again for at least the next four years if she won. I was SO glad Obama beat her in Iowa, and I hope he does the same in New Hampshire...

Edwards is a fool, he doesn't even realize that he is not electable, and keeps running around spouting off about class warfare, which is laughable in and of itself, loser, could never win...

Giuliani I don't think could win nationally. I know a lot of people like him, but he has a lot of baggage. I don't like the fact that every other word out of his mouth is 9/11. I think 9/11 and the security of our nation is a VERY important issue, but there are a LOT of other things to deal with as well... I don't think he could win...

Huckabee... Where did this guy come from?? Sure he won Iowa, how could he not have?? He would NEVER win nationally, and therefore is not a contender. Let's try and keep religion out of politics there Mike. We don't even have a clue what his stance on Iran is, he is against background checks when you buy a gun? Why? A constitutional amendment against same-sex marriage?? Really?? Of course that and the whole abortion thing will be the Republicans downfall, can't we leave that out of the race to the White House and leave things like that up to the Supreme Court where they belong?? The Republican base doesn't want to, and that is why they will likely lose. I'll pass on this moron...

McCain doesn't have a prayer either, he is too old for starters... Just go back to being a Senator John, matter of fact why not just retire?? His campaign finance reform bill is a disaster and has created far more corruption than if it had just been left as it was. His plan for amnesty is nauseating... I don't think he has a prayer either...

Romney looks like a President, but I don't think he has a prayer either, and I think it IS largely due to his being a Mormon (not sure why I capitalize that, I think they are a cult)... If I was running against him, I'd just play those South Park clips about Mormons over, and over, and over... Probably wouldn't have to do much else... He could end up being the Republican candidate, but I doubt it...

Thompson?? Please, this lazy moron doesn't have a clue... He has no chance of winning, THANKULLY!!! I used to think he might be good, until I've seen him in action, or non-action that is, since he announced...

Obama... This is who I will vote for. Do I believe in everything he does? ABSOLUTELY not!! I don't think any of the Rebuplican candidates have a prayer though, and if it's either Obama or Clinton, I'll take Obama every day of the week! I also think he is the ONLY candidate who can and has reached across the aisle, and not only been welcomed, but gladly! I think if he is the Democratic candidate, he will win by a landslide, the likes of which we have not seen in years. People like me, who never in a million years would vote for someone who believes the way he does, would vote for him just because they are tired of the polarization in Washington and just want to see something start getting done!! Rather than all the bickering and partisan politics...

So there you have it, my stance currently on what is going on with the race to the White House... Things change though, and November is a LONG way off, so my opinions could as well... We'll see... :)


Matthew said...

The issues:

Abortion - I don't think this should be an issue in Presidential politics myself, should it have some relevance, sure, but not the importance that is put on it by the Republican base.

Gun Control - we should be able to buy one, should there be controls? Sure, as long as people can still buy them!

Iraq - should we just pull out? Of course not! How long though does it take to train these savages to protect themselves?? Should they be given carte blanche and our continued billions while using that excuse? No! There will likely NEVER be peace in the Middle East, but no, we can't just pull out.

Health Care - for starters, not NEARLY as many people are without it as they say. We should let the free market take care of it. Let the government take over?? Okay, they do such a SWELL job with education, social security, medicare and literally EVERYTHING else they touch, you are asking for disaster if they take control.

Climate Change - the BIGGEST scam ever!! Kyoto?? Please, some of the biggest polluters are exempt and we should sign it??? Whatever!

Immigration - how about just securing the borders for starters?? Then we can deal with all the ones who are already here! This is such an easy issue, start punishing the businesses that hire them and the problem really resolves itself, that has been proven in areas where they have cracked down, the illegals 'deport' themselves...

Energy and Oil - STOP letting the environmental wackoes dictate what we do and start drilling in ANWAR and other places. Build new refineries, etc... Another easy solution. If the Republican base would stop worrying so much about abortion and gay marriage and start worrying about issues such as this, it would no longer be an issue...

Matthew said...

I do wonder if Michael Bloomberg will enter the race... Would be interesting I suppose, and as some have said, could he buy the Presidency?? I dare say it's possible! If he did enter the race, and happened to win, then from now on, it would turn into a "the White House is for sale" mentality, and it would from now on be about how much money you have or are able to raise. Not that it's not almost like that now...

Petra said...

I believe abortion and gay marriage ARE important issues. They are important to me.

Obama Matt?! Really?! What happened to you??? :-O

Matthew said...

Of course they are important issues!! BUT, they are NOT important enough to allow the likes of Hillary to get into the White House because the Republican base gets SO hung up on those issues!! She will though win the White House if the Republican base stays SO hung up on those issues that they do NOTHING but harp about them, then she will wisk right by into the White House, and cause SO much more damage! Matter of fact, if someone like Hillary were to get into the White House, the issues, abortion and gay marriage, that mean so much to the Republican base will in fact likely become law because of the judges she will appoint (by law I mean, all forms of abortion will be legal as well as gay marriage). You tell me a Republican candidate that can beat the Democrats in 2008? I don't think there is one, so that is why I choose the lesser of the two evils, Obama... I would obviously vote for someone else if there was someone else, but that's just it, there isn't...

Matthew said...

I would also add that you have to keep in mind the electability part, if they cannot be elected on the national stage, it really doesn't matter, they won't win. Take Ron Paul, he is probably one of the honest of the bunch, he has stood by his positions for years, and his voting record proves it, but he won't win, so you could steadfastly stand by him and it doesn't matter. There are only a handful that have a chance of winning on the national stage, and in my opinion they are: Hillary, Obama and MAYBE Giuliani... Possibly Romney, but I doubt it... So like I say, you have to choose one... :)

Petra said...

If all the Republicans think like that, Matt, then of course a Republican won't win... they'll be out voting for a Democrat. Which just seems preposterous to me. We (the Republicans) need your vote!

Matthew said...

Name a Republican that is running that is deserving of my vote! That's my point! (One that can actually win that is! Huckabee cannot and will not win on the national stage)

Matthew said...

Not that I'd vote for Huckabee if he COULD win, I don't like him. If it actually came down to Huckabee and Obama, I'd vote for Obama. I don't like Huckabee.

Jackie said...

yea, I have no idea. We saw some of the debate with the dems and WOW Clinton is evil and scary. I hope to God she does not get in!

I know Bush has messed so much up for the Republicans, so who knows. Just NOT CLINTON!! Almost anything would be better.

Jackie said...

Petra- who are you leaning towards?

Matthew said...

Yeah, my point exactly!! Bush and the Republicans over the past 7 years have betrayed the Republicans, doubled the size of the Federal government and spent money like drunken sailors... They don't act like they are about to change, and that's why I think, no, I know that Republicans like me are not likely to just give them another chance, 'just because'...

Matthew said...

"We (the Republicans) need your vote!"

Points A, B and C above is exactly why that won't happen. There is not a Republican out there that has not stated that anything will be much different...

So at this point, it's more of a "Go Obama, beat Hillary" type of thing...

Matthew said...

I should say "has stated that anything will be any different"... :)

Tim said...

I don't vote party but person, so I'll review the people and see which one I am leaning toward. I haven't researched a lot yet, just have been sort of following the polls.

I think the abortion issue/etc. is important also but I also realize that the government needs someone that has more than that issue going for them. It would be ideal to have someone that can not play emotional cards but be able to run the country rationally and for the people. Ideals rarely have a place in modern life though :).

Andrea said...

So after some reading, just today, haven't spent too much time on the matter. I'm digging on The Huck. For several reasons, and I enjoy his name the most. And it keeps making me think of the movie 'I heart Huckabees"

I don't care for Hilary because she's a woman, and Obama is a media whore.

Matthew said...

LOL! I just don't like any of them myself, so am trying to figure out which one I dislike the least! :)

WHO is marci? said...

and ron paul? :)

WHO is marci? said...

from what I hear, he wants to shut down the fbi, cia and homeland security :)

Where can I go online to watch the republican debates from the other night? I missed them?

WHO is marci? said...

I heard Obama was an islamist? is that so? he says he's a christian, but doesn't explain in detail what that means? just curious if you know

WHO is marci? said...

WHO is marci? said...

Petra said...

Marci - I read some of Obama's comments on his website about his beliefs... and pretty much it seems he has none. I got the impression he's of the "I'm okay; you're okay" persuasion that I have no respect for, and just tells whatever audience is listening to him that he believes what they believe. I could be wrong, but that's the impression I got.

Jackie - I haven't done enough research to be definitive in my decision, but so far it's between several Republicans (and I don't always vote Republican, although I always have when it comes to the President... but no Democrats have gotten my attention). I like a lot of what Huckabee has to say regarding the issues. I also like Thompson, but he doesn't have a chance. McCain would be okay, but I think he's too old. I agree with a lot Romney has to say, but I wouldn't vote for a Mormon cult member.

So, so far it's Huckabee for me.

Petra said...

I read somewhere that Obama's father was raised a Muslim, but was an atheist by the time Obama was born. His dad's middle name was Hussein, and Obama is a Jr., thus the creepy middle name. He did attend a Muslim school for a while (and a Catholic school for a while as well), so the influences are definitely there. Like I said in the previous post - I think even he doesn't know what he believes... which is scary.

WHO is marci? said...

I'm NOT a fan of the Islam religion, and if he is playing a game with the American's I don't think we should be fooled. The growth of the Islamist in America over the last 5 years alone is astounding, look it up - its very disturbing.

WHO is marci? said...

shock factor to all of Matt's readers :) I would vote for hillary over obama any day of the week!! Just so you know, I'm not voting for either - I haven't picked my choice as yet, but will shortly and will set up a hq for cobb cty in my home.

Petra said...

I wouldn't vote for either of them either. But I do think Hillary would be more damaging than Obama - it's hard to tell though.

Matthew said...

Then you don't know much about Hillary Marci... :) That's the beauty of our system though, you can vote for whomever you like.

What kills me though are the people who do keep talking about Obama's religion, and the other people who are "single-issue" voters. I think politics has become poisoned with the "single-issue" voters who are only interested in one or two aspects of it...

The election is still a long way off though, although we will know at least the Democratic and Republican candidates soon.

The topic of whether or not Obama is a Christian or not though, please, most of the people who use that line are likely Christian in name only as well... The VAST majority of people in this country who claim to be Christians aren't very good Christians, so that argument doesn't quite get it with me... I'm SURE though that over the next few weeks, we will learn everything there is to know about Obama, provided for us by the Edwards and Clinton camps, so we will then be able to make a much better decision as to whether or not he would be a good President or not.

As I've said before, I don't like ANY of the candidates running, but we have to choose one. I would have NEVER in my life dreamt of voting for a liberal Democrat, but look at the Republicans! They have squandered their leadership, doubled the size of the government and spent, spent, spent! Would the Democrats do it any differently? No. I myself though am tired of rewarding the Republicans for doing the exact opposite of what they promise to do, so how much worse can a liberal Democrat be when the Republicans have essentially done the same thing over the past six or seven years...

Matthew said...

Oh, Ron Paul doesn't have a prayer, although I guess I should have said that... :)

The Ron Paul supporters remind me of Star Trek junkies though, they are absolute fanatics. They are such a small element of the population though, he doesn't have a chance. At least he can campaign in style though, because they do give him tons of money... :)

Matthew said...

I would also say that if Obama was a muslim, we would know it by now... The Hillary camp was sending out memos saying that Obama lied about wanting to be President because of something he wrote in Kindergarten, I think the muslim thing would have worked MUCH better and would have been used were it true, jmo though... :)

Matthew said...

It's also possible that Obama could be the Pied Piper, but can you blame the American people?? I think many are SO tired of hearing Bush mangle the English language every time he opens his mouth, and when you hear Obama speak, he doesn't at all... It could be something as simple as that that wins Obama the White House, not for me of course, I look at the issues and the voting records... I've still not made up my mind though... :)

Petra said...

Huckabee talks about less government, not more. One of the reasons I like him. And since he was a Baptist minister, I'm pretty sure he's a Christian (not that that always guarantees someone is a Christian - just makes it more likely).

The more I look at all the issues (which I totally agree - you can't vote for someone *just* because you like ONE issue - that's retarded, you have to take them as a whole), the more I like Huckabee. Why do you think he's a moron? Because he's openly religious?! That's the only reason you've given.

p.s. I still haven't actually heard Huckabee speak, so I may change my mind once I do - I don't know yet. Obama is a smooth talker, but he dodges questions - at least when I've heard him. Bill Clinton got elected because he was a smooth talker, so Obama may do the same.

Petra said...

Oh, I just went back and read and saw you had more comments on Huck... I do think there should be background checks when you buy a gun - when did he say differently? I haven't seen anything about it, but then I haven't been researching until recently. I totally agree on a ban on same sex marriage!!! Marriage should be defined as one man/one woman. Period.

America has already turned into a partial Sodom; I hate to see what happens if a liberal gets into office at this point. I think we need someone who is EXTRA conservative.

WHO is marci? said...

you tube - all parts of the latest debate - you can hear them all talking.. huckabee and romney just attack each other like children really. its a little difficult as all of the parts are scattered, but well worth it to see them all debate -

Matthew said...

LOL! No, I don't mind that he is openly religious at all! I don't much care for statements made here:


While I agree with the statements, as President, we are a nation of laws, and we abide by those laws, not the Bible. So that concerns me a bit.

I don't like this:

Call from God...

Matter of fact, for someone who claims to believe in God like he does, I think it borders on blasphemy.

I don't care much for this:


I could go on and on, let me know if you want me to... I listen to him speak, and prefer to hear Bush speak actually. I think he has pardoned more people than Clinton did, and wow, just reading some of those people's history. He REFUSES to admit when he has made a mistake, and "appears" to lie about it instead, but I'm still getting the 'proof' on that one, I'll post it soon...

So yeah, I would prefer Obama, who is what? Possibly not a Christian? A liberal Democrat? Rather than have this idiot in the White House for four years...

Matthew said...

I don't agree with same sex marriage either, but ammend the Constitution?? No, leave it up to the States... Issues like that, our Founding Fathers fully intended to be left up to the States.

Matthew said...

I can barely watch the Republicans debate Marci... That's all they do is slam each other, which is okay I suppose, but it's almost like they do it to cover for themselves. There isn't a single Rebuplican running that I want to vote for...

WHO is marci? said...

(Posted October 2002) Español | Pycckuu |

Members of the Tagouri family in Charles County, Maryland, are some of the growing number of Muslims moving into more rural parts. (Jim Blair)

Islam is one of the fastest-growing religions in the United States today. According to one recent survey, there are 1,209 mosques in America, well over half founded in the last 20 years. Between 17 and 30 percent of American Muslims are converts to the faith.

At the center of both traditional American life and the lives of the generally more recent Muslim immigrants is the family. As Shahed Amanullah, an engineer who lives in San Franciso, California, puts it, " American values are, by and large, very consistent with Islamic values, with a focus on family, faith, hard work, and an obligation to better self and society."

This booklet is a brief introduction to a complex subject, an attempt to explore in words and images the extraordinary range and richness of the way American Muslims live. That point of cross-cultural commonality -- the family -- is where we begin.

Matthew said...

I thought you were in the business of web design there Marci?? I know virtually nothing about web design, but I do know this:

< a href = (insert URL here) > < / a >

Of course eliminate the spaces, except for the one between the a and the h at the beginning... :)

Matthew said...

Perhaps you should go into politics there as well Marci, we don't know that Obama is a muslim... Unless you know something that isn't widely known...

Matthew said...

Who are you setting up HQ for Marci?

Matthew said...

Oh, and Petra, he opposes background checks and bans on assault weapons:


Of course as always, verify everything you see on the Internet... :)

WHO is marci? said...

:) not sure yet... I'll keep you posted.

yea - sorry about that, I was looking for it, and just copied and pasted w/out thinking, I'll limit to URL's from now on...

I do have a very real concern about islam radicals in the states, and think we as a nation should absolutely put a "cap" on that somehow if possible... having "maybe" an islamist in the white house is not a good plan in my mind. jmho of course :)

another note: I do agree that same sex marriage is a states issue ..

and watching these yahoo's argue in the debate really does give you a better understanding of them... I will vote for one of them though, I'm not on target personally with any of the democrats running.

Matthew said...

I think any sane American is aware of the threat of islamic extremists... That's why we need to secure the borders. Not sure how you can put a 'cap' on people who believe in Islam though, we do have freedom of religion here. Even IF Obama was a muslim, and turned out to be an "extremist" who somehow "tricked" his way into the White House, hello, we have impeachment and other processes for dealing with such things, the President is NOT the King or Queen! I think that using that as a reason to not like Obama is insane myself... Not that I'm trying to get anyone to vote for Obama or anything, it's just my opinion, this whole blog... :)

WHO is marci? said...

I completely understand.. just happen to have seen the effects of what happens when someone is in power and then strategically places his people around him... :) don't want responses to your opninon?

Matthew said...

LOL! Of course I do!! I get to respond though, no? :)

WHO is marci? said...

I'm enjoying the debate :)

Matthew said...

I enjoy a good debate myself... :)

Colin Powell likes Obama:

Story here...

Not that it means anything, but I think Powell was always an honest man...

Petra said...

I love Oprah and she's all for Obama, but I still don't trust him.

I'll click on those links tomorrow Matt... like I said before, I haven't had a chance to do thorough research yet and so far am just going on the few things I've heard/read. I hope to have a more educated opinion in the weeks to come. I'll probably watch some of the debates as well.

For now, I'm going to bed early. :)

Andrea said...

Not being racist here, but Powell and Oprah are both black, so could it be they want the first black guy ever to win?

The reason I don't like him is because he's such a media whore, I mean I didn't even know anyone else was running for president until I read Matt's blog. He's everywhere! And it seems like everyone in the media is supporting him. It just all seems so fishy.

Matthew said...

That's certainly true! :)

Aren't they ALL media whores though? They almost have to be though if they want to win...

Matthew said...

I think Pat Buchanan always has a pretty good take on it:

The rise of the populists...

Petra said...

In response to the links you posted:

"Huckabee..." - It wasn't even a political rally - it was a sermon to a church (since he did used to be a pastor). I see nothing wrong here.

"Call from God..." - Yeah, that was a little weird. I don't know if I would say it's blasphemous though. Just not my sense of humor?

"Ethics..." - Um yeah - he accepted a canoe and set up a wedding registry for a housewarming? Who cares? I'd say all the candidates have probably accepted "unethical" gifts at some point. There's not really anything in that article that would make me not like him.

Yeah - you're going to have to find more than that. If anything, I like him more after reading those articles. I really can't see at ALL how you'd like Obama more than him?! I think Huckabee's main problem is he's a little bit of a dork. But that's okay with me. I prefer a dork over Obama's smooth-talking lies and dodging the questions any day.

Matthew said...

Could be about the sermon... About the ethics thing though, sure, I think ALL politicians are crooks, but this guy has had charges filed against him 14 times, and five times been admonished... It also appears there have been a lot of other little scandals, so what if everyone else is doing it, still makes you wonder?!?

Yeah, I don't like the guy... I'm not saying I like Obama either, I don't like ANY of the people in the race, I'm just trying to decide who I dislike the least... :)