Well, not really! I put up a few ceiling fans and have watched a few movies... :) I NEED to get out there and start that damn deck, but I can't bring myself to work out in the cold, so I don't!! It is going to start getting warm here in the next few days though, so we'll see how that goes... Some asshole in our neighborhood ran over Nate's dog Lexi, it almost looks like he did it on purpose, broke her spinal cord and the asshole just kept driving. Lexi died and so all the kids were quite sad. I'm sure Bo will be wondering where his daily playmate is at as well. Tanner was quite upset about it and was just walking around outside yesterday crying and playing with Bo. Tanner and Taylor both made cards for Nate as well.

Oh, how sad! Poor kids!! :(
so sorry to hear that. what an asshole. amazing that some people are so callous.
our thoughts are with you all.
I'm sorry to hear that. We just had to go and have a Sophie loving moment. At times like this you just sit and kiss your own dog.
Send our regards to the family. Do you think that they will get another dog? poor Bo! Kisses for Tanner, too!
Asshole is right! Those poor kids were walking to Nate's house and they say the guy intentionally swerved and hit Lexi. Those kids carried that dog about a quarter of a mile to Nate's house where they (with the parents help) tried to help the dog, but alas, it wasn't to be. They will all be okay though I'm sure, but will all of course miss Lexi.
So sorry about Lexi, I concur on the asshole part. I hope the kids will be okay -- it is difficult to replace a dog :(. Thinking of you all.
Thanks everyone! The kids are all doing well, but of course miss Lexi! I'm not sure if Nate is getting a new dog yet or not, but I don't suppose you can just 'replace' one dog with another...
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