Tuesday, January 22, 2008

So Much For Super Tuesday...

Hell, Super Tuesday is still two weeks off and we practically already know who the candidates are for the general election, and it doesn't look promising AT ALL! On the Republican side, Thompson dropped out today, not that he had a prayer at all of winning, Huckabee is out of money and doesn't even have enough to participate much in FL and has virtually no money to go after the 22 states that make up Super Tuesday, so he is gone pretty much, who does that leave? Giuliani? Yeah, okay, he has been holed up in FL for so long, I think most people forget he is even running, I'll go ahead and say he doesn't have a shot either. That leaves Romney and McCain. I don't think either of them can win the general election, still hard to say who wins the nomination, although oddly enough, it is looking like they will choose McCain, who in my opinion doesn't have a shot in hell of winning.

On to the Democrats, who is even left? Edwards has zero shot, although he for some odd reason thinks he does. Obama came roaring out of Iowa thinking he had it locked up, but I guess they were all right, he is not experienced enough, and he failed to give the Clinton political machine the credit they deserve, so Clinton will likely be the nominee...

So in a Clinton - McCain or a Clinton - Romney contest, Clinton wins... At least I think so... Could be some more surprises down the pike, but wow. Hide your wallets if Clinton wins! That's all I have to say. You think we have fiscal issues now?? Have you heard all of her plans?? She wants to do the whole income redistribution on steroids. So yeah, should be an interesting next few years if she does win, I suppose our only hope is for an independent to run, like Bloomberg, who actually has the money to buy the White House if he chooses... Would be interesting if he tried, it would either prove or disprove my theory that the White House is for sale... :)

No, I don't have much going on. I keep wanting to get out there and start on that damn deck, but it's just TOO cold!! I HATE cold weather for those that don't already know that. So I've just been finishing up odds and ends inside while waiting and hoping for warmer weather!! We'll see how that works out. The funny thing is, I used to work out in the weather for years doing HVAC work, now it's all I can do to step outside to smoke a cig... That may be a good thing I suppose! :)

I see Heath Ledger was found dead in his apartment today, and to switch through the channels on TV or the internet sites, this is FAR more important than the economy, the elections, 0r anything else for that matter... Which is what I have been saying for some time now. America's obsession with celebrity culture will have a big part to play in our downfall... When whether or not Brittany has panties on or the fact that Heath has died due to a probable drug overdose (so they say) is more important than the fact that the economy is on the brink of a major recession and the fact that the moron Bernanke dropped the Fed interest three quarters of a point in an unprecedented move or the fact that the idiots in Washington are about to 'pump' 150 billion + into the economy, likely by giving it to most of the lazy dumb asses who pay ZERO taxes so they will run out and buy new flat screens and other 'important' things is stunning!


Matthew said...

Not sure why I post stuff like this, I should just stick to photos... :)

Joshua Goodling said...

Yes - sadly it's looking more and more like Hilary will be the next President.....Ugh! That just doesn't sound good!

Matthew said...

Likely the case, we can only cross our fingers at this point and hope it's not! :) Although, I look at the rest of them and wonder if they would be any better, I think McCain would be worse...

Joshua Goodling said...

Yes - I'd MUCH rather have Romney than McCain - I think he would be disasterous...he's too much of a loose cannon. And you're probably right - he would be worse than Hilary.

I think the thing that will be key is who controls congress. If Hilary gets in with an majority Democratic congress - we're really in trouble.

Matthew said...

I think it will be a Democrat controlled Senate, House and White House... They will be SO disastrous, that whoever is the President will be a virtual lame duck after the 2010 election, but then what?? Hopefully we see some leaders step forward, or we are done...

Petra said...

I've been afraid all along Hillary might win... and I think no one could be worse for our country.

Josh - Hillary better than McCain? Are you serious?!

And I really hope Romney doesn't win either - I don't want a Mormon in the White House. Anyone who buys into Joseph Smith's fables has to just be in some lithium-induced stupor.

I still think Huckabee is the best choice, but yeah - it's looking like he's pretty much out.

Tim said...

I agree about the Ledger news, it was all that was on the hard news stations last night. I know he was an actor so his death is newsworthy but it should be in the entertainment section not front page.