Thursday, January 31, 2008
I'm Obsessed...
So anyway, if I do decide to homeschool I thought, "Why not have a name for the school?". Why not just start a school actually, then it wouldn't even be homeschooling?!? Matthew's Academy! So then I got to thinking, don't most schools have a crest? Then of course that led to the question, "Do we have a family crest?" "Have any of our ancestors had one?" On and on it went... Of course I couldn't find anything about any sort of 'family crest' or 'coat of arms', so then I was like, "Why would I even want to use one someone else made anyway??" I'll just make my own! Of course about this time I had become obsessed with finding out about our ancestors...
So I remembered that Petra had done some genealogy research, so rather than reinvent the wheel I asked if she had the data online or something. So Petra e-mailed me the file she had from a genealogy program, luckily the program I had downloaded for free was able to import the file... :) It was only a 30 day trial version though and I didn't like it, so I exported the file to yet a different format and imported it into a FREE program I found...
Legacy Family Tree...
Of course that whole process took practically all day long! Petra's research only went back to this guy though:
Johann Peter Gutlin (Goodling)...
Then I noticed that this guy: Evans C. Goodling, Jr was doing research on the descendants of Johann Peter Gutlin/Goodling and that he has even written a book about it:
St. Thomas Church, Morgantown, Pa: A Parish History 1740-1990
I actually found the book on Ebay and may buy it, but I'm wondering how long/far I should allow this obsession to go on??
So that's what I've been up to... :)
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
Good Old Political Correctness...
I can imagine if they did that today and substituted Jap for oh, say, Muslim, terrorist, Islamic Radicals, you get the point... Maybe that is why we won WWII and are having issues now trying to actually win a war when our troops are hog tied with the whole political correctness horse shit. If you sent our troops into any area, with no strings attached, we could win any confrontation, throw in the 'strings', well...
How about this little gem:
The "friends" of the Clintons...
Seem to be a LOT of suicides there... I actually remember most of them happening, but they were all 'swept under the rug' of course because of the love affair the MSM has (or should I say HAD) with the Clintons... Perhaps I'll send that link to Drudge to refresh his memory... :)
I'd go on and on about McCain, but I think Pat Buchanan does a MUCH better job, and I don't have to actually write it... :)
What McCain Means...
As usual, he is dead on!! I heard him on MSNBC saying that if McCain wins, we will go to war with Iran, and I think he is right! Hell, we can't hardly even manage the mess we have in Afganistan and Iraq, that's ALL we need is another war, but that is what we will get with McCain...
I'll use Tanner's line, that's all for now... :)
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Been Busy...

Thursday, January 24, 2008
I'm Sorry...
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Clinton, Obama Clash at SC Democratic Debate
It's six minutes long, but if you can stand it, I actually laughed through it, Obama does not have a PRAYER against her! She has been waiting for the moment that he decides to get in the mud, and he did, and that is where the Clinton machine has virtually no equal...
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
So Much For Super Tuesday...
On to the Democrats, who is even left? Edwards has zero shot, although he for some odd reason thinks he does. Obama came roaring out of Iowa thinking he had it locked up, but I guess they were all right, he is not experienced enough, and he failed to give the Clinton political machine the credit they deserve, so Clinton will likely be the nominee...
So in a Clinton - McCain or a Clinton - Romney contest, Clinton wins... At least I think so... Could be some more surprises down the pike, but wow. Hide your wallets if Clinton wins! That's all I have to say. You think we have fiscal issues now?? Have you heard all of her plans?? She wants to do the whole income redistribution on steroids. So yeah, should be an interesting next few years if she does win, I suppose our only hope is for an independent to run, like Bloomberg, who actually has the money to buy the White House if he chooses... Would be interesting if he tried, it would either prove or disprove my theory that the White House is for sale... :)
No, I don't have much going on. I keep wanting to get out there and start on that damn deck, but it's just TOO cold!! I HATE cold weather for those that don't already know that. So I've just been finishing up odds and ends inside while waiting and hoping for warmer weather!! We'll see how that works out. The funny thing is, I used to work out in the weather for years doing HVAC work, now it's all I can do to step outside to smoke a cig... That may be a good thing I suppose! :)
I see Heath Ledger was found dead in his apartment today, and to switch through the channels on TV or the internet sites, this is FAR more important than the economy, the elections, 0r anything else for that matter... Which is what I have been saying for some time now. America's obsession with celebrity culture will have a big part to play in our downfall... When whether or not Brittany has panties on or the fact that Heath has died due to a probable drug overdose (so they say) is more important than the fact that the economy is on the brink of a major recession and the fact that the moron Bernanke dropped the Fed interest three quarters of a point in an unprecedented move or the fact that the idiots in Washington are about to 'pump' 150 billion + into the economy, likely by giving it to most of the lazy dumb asses who pay ZERO taxes so they will run out and buy new flat screens and other 'important' things is stunning!
Sunday, January 20, 2008
The Unused Room...

So that's what I did today. Now I'm either going to go to bed or go see what the guys are up to. Marci dropped Canyon off earlier and the kids have been having a blast, but at their age you have to keep an eye on them! :)
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Movie Reviews...
*The Invisible: UNWATCHABLE!! Although we just spent the past 3 hours watching it... Yeah, it takes us a while to get through a movie because of all the breaks to get more firewood, smoke a cig, get another beer, get something to eat, tend to the kids, etc... :)
Next up: War...
Well, we didn't watch War, we ended up watching the Wendell Baker Story... Wow! I suppose if you have ABSOLUTELY nothing else to do, watch it, but if you have ANYTHING else to do, it's not one to waste your time with. Matter of fact, it was stupid. On to watch War... I wonder if that will be any better?? I doubt it, but whatever, I'm not doing anything today except watch movies and lay around, plenty of work to do the next two days, although to be honest, I would rather have worked than watched the last two movies, we'll see how this one goes... :)
Wow!! War is so stupid you can hardly make it up! So now I've spent the day watching these HORRIBLE movies! Whatever, now I am going to go watch Swordfish, because I know I like that one!
So Anyway...
What are you going to do with your $800 or $1,600 that the government will soon send you? Not that it's anything new, the government has been 'buying' it's way out of recessions since the Great Depression. I'm not necessarily against giving 'tax rebates' to the people who actually paid taxes, but the VAST majority of the people who get them don't pay any tax at all! I'm certainly against income redistribution, which is exactly what it is! Take from the rich and give to the poor, of course if a Democrat is elected, there will be MUCH more income redistribution than there currently is... Good old socialism or Marxism, whatever you want to call it... Tax the rich, that is the mantra of every one of the Democrats who are running, not that the Republicans have done any better, they have spent money like drunken sailors over the past 7 years... Here is a fun chart that most people simply have zero clue about:
Many refer to them as the 'evil rich', because face it, poor people and people who don't have much don't much care for the 'evil rich'... So let's take from the rich and redistribute it to the 'less fortunate'. 'Less fortunate'?? Give me a freaking break, get off your lazy ass and do something... You'll never have anything laying on the couch watching TV, playing video games, surfing the internet and spending every dime you make on all the 'stuff' people like to buy and bring back to their 'boxes'... Of course you rarely hear that, it's mostly the tired rhetoric spewed by the likes of John Edwards about 'two Americas' and the 'class warfare' he keeps yammering on about... People are so stupid these days and so poorly educated that of course they buy into the whole thing, but people aren't getting any smarter, so I suppose it will continue... Well, I could go on and on about that topic... I'm sure everyone wants to hear about it! Whatever, I'll take my $1,600 dollar tax rebate, because it is a rebate for me as I actually DO pay taxes, and LOTS of them... :)
Speaking of laying around watching movies, I suppose that is what we are going to do for the rest of the day! So I better go start the fire and get started! :)
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah...
I did get a call a few hours ago from my neighbor telling me I better get over there because Chance hurt himself on the trampoline, so that was quite the adrenaline rush I must say... Because that was the extent of the phone call, I said I'd be right over, and hung up and flew over there expecting who knows what... LUCKILY there was more blood than damage, and once the blood was cleaned up, it was just a little gash on the back of his head. I guess they were jumping on the thing and Chance was 'showing Tanner something' as he put it, and it didn't quite turn out the was it was supposed to and he hit his head on the bar that goes around the thing instead of the canvas... He is fine though, but wow! We are just getting over dealing with his tooth thing! He gets his temporary braces off tomorrow, but he has to have a root canal done next week on that tooth that came out, so that should be fun for him - NOT!! I'll keep you posted on how that goes...
I'm FINALLY getting ready to slap that deck together, I had the lumber delivered last April to build the thing... Of course I had it delivered BEFORE we decided to put the pool in, so I guess that is a good excuse as to why it isn't done yet... :) Of course some of the post holes I have to dig, not that I'll be doing it by hand or anything, are RIGHT where the electric, phone, etc come into that house... So I called 811 so they can come out and mark where they actually are, I wonder if I'll have to move the posts over?? I can just see me severing the electric cable with the power auger, sparks flying and me electrocuting myself... Well, hopefully that doesn't happen... :) I can't imagine though that slapping the deck together is THAT complicated, we'll see how that works out...
Now of course we have the Michigan results in, and which one of these morons running for the highest office in the land do you want to see in the White House? I don't think any of them get it, nor do the great unwashed masses either! I think Pat Buchanan sees it though:
Subprime Nation...
People don't get it... With ANY of the Democrats, they want to spend 50 - 150 billion more dollars in entitlement programs that we can ill afford. No one seems to realize that the baby boomers are all about to retire and Social Security will kill us, on and on I could go, but Pat pretty much spelled it out, but no one seems to care... I'm still trying to decide who I want to vote for, but it will soon be down to two and it will be much easier to decide... I just hope the choice isn't TOO painful!
Well, I better go put the kiddoes to bed, hope everyone is well!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
1. Would you rather die of hypothermia or guillotine? Why?
I would MUCH rather die by guillotine because I can’t STAND being cold!! I'd rather be beaten to death, or pretty much anything else rather than freezing to death!
2. You have a long trip to make. You can ride a camel or a mule. Which would you choose and why?
I’d go for the camel because camels can travel for days without food or water.
3. Someone is making a movie about your life. What is the title?
Umm… That's a hard one. "What One Man Can Do, So Can Another: The Story of One Man's Journey Through Life"... I'm SURE it would be a huge hit! :)
4. You have done a great service for your country. They have given you the privilege of making one law of 50 words or less. What would it be?
Effective immediately! Anyone who gets any sort of government handout (I’d list as many as I could without going over 50 words), forfeits their right to vote!
5. You are an astronaut. You have your choice of destinations; any planet, moon, or asteroid in the solar system. Which one and why?
Perhaps I’d go check out Pluto to see why it is no longer considered a planet… :)
6. They are putting you in charge of a nostalgic TV network that shows only old TV shows that are no longer being made. What are some you would choose and why?
Seinfeld and Dallas... I'd just have an hour of Seinfeld and then an hour of Dallas, over and over and over... I'm sure it would be a HUGE hit! I'd watch it! :)
7. What is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen?
I suppose I'd have to go with the birth of my children as well. I have seen many, many, many of God's beautiful creations all over the world and they come in a close second...
8. If they were going to give you any country you wanted to be absolute ruler over, except the USA, which would you choose and why?
Saudi Arabia. Just for the oil of course, I'd sure do a lot of different things than they do with the $$$.
9. You have volunteered for an experiment where they are going to put you on an island paradise for a year to see how people get along with each other. There will be cameras everywhere broadcasting everything that happens to the entire world, assuming anyone is interested enough to tune in. You get to pick 9 other people to go with you, but they can not be related to you. Who would you pick and why?
I'd find four people who would go and exchange their work for the opportunity to actually spend a year in paradise, that takes care of the whole food prep, firewood, shelter maintenance, water, etc... The other five? I'd try to find five people who I could actually carry on a conversation with without my eyes glazing over while attempting to feign interest... If I was ABLE to find five such people, I guess they would be good enough... :)
10. You just won the lottery. Unlimited funds are now at your disposal. What would you buy first?
Tickets to a secluded five-star resort in a tropical climate... I'd immediately fly down there with my family and spend the next month planning on what I would do with the money... Not that I would need a month, but why NOT a month? :)
11. Someone has just given you an internet blog site on which to post anything you want. What is it going to be?
Well, like Petra said, I already have one, and DO post whatever I like... I'd be interested to know who actually asked that question... :)
12. What is one big goal you want to accomplish in 2008?
Finish all these projects I started last year and did not QUITE get finished!!!
13. What is your greatest regret?
Buying the house I currently live in...
14. What is your greatest lesson learned thus far?
Never trust anyone. (excluding family of course, well MOST family)
15. What ONE book (aside from Bible) would you take to a deserted island?
The Count of Monte Cristo
16. What ONE food item would you take? (Pretending that no matter what it was you would live)
Is Michelob a food item?? If not, I suppose I'd take a fruit of some kind, either watermelon, apples, grapes or bananas... I might get tired of it after a year, but I guess you'd get tired of anything after a year... :)
17. What do you fear the most, if anything?
I don't fear anything other than God... There are things I don't like, but fear?? No.
18. What is a character flaw?
I don't have any.
19. A character strength?
I'm one of the only people I know who doesn't play games, calls it like it is (or as I see it) and stands up for what I believe no matter the cost. I think that qualifies as a strength... :)
20. Who is your hero?
I don't have any heroes. I have people I respect, although not very many, heroes?? No, I don't have any.
Dwight Yoakam - It Won't Hurt/Today I Started Loving
Yeah, I haven't felt much like blogging lately... :)
So I thought I'd leave you with this song! Of course pretty much anything Dwight sings is pretty good... At least I think so anyway... :)
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Not A Lot Going On...
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Our Next President...
I think it really all boils down to who is actually electable, I also think this is an important election for our Country. One thing that really irks me though is to hear some of the candidates running around calling our Country a Democracy, when in fact we are a Federal Republic, so I think they should automatically be disqualified to even run, but I don't make the rules... :)
Here are the candidates stances on the issues:
2008 Presidential Election Candidates on the Issues...
More detailed views on a few key issues...
A HUGE deal with me are the ones who refuse to answer questions! Clinton comes to mind, she won't even bother to answer them at all, and when she does, they are scripted. I think that Clinton would be VERY bad for us, she is a calculating, dishonest and evil person who only cares about power and money, half the nation hates her, so we as a nation would be polarized again for at least the next four years if she won. I was SO glad Obama beat her in Iowa, and I hope he does the same in New Hampshire...
Edwards is a fool, he doesn't even realize that he is not electable, and keeps running around spouting off about class warfare, which is laughable in and of itself, loser, could never win...
Giuliani I don't think could win nationally. I know a lot of people like him, but he has a lot of baggage. I don't like the fact that every other word out of his mouth is 9/11. I think 9/11 and the security of our nation is a VERY important issue, but there are a LOT of other things to deal with as well... I don't think he could win...
Huckabee... Where did this guy come from?? Sure he won Iowa, how could he not have?? He would NEVER win nationally, and therefore is not a contender. Let's try and keep religion out of politics there Mike. We don't even have a clue what his stance on Iran is, he is against background checks when you buy a gun? Why? A constitutional amendment against same-sex marriage?? Really?? Of course that and the whole abortion thing will be the Republicans downfall, can't we leave that out of the race to the White House and leave things like that up to the Supreme Court where they belong?? The Republican base doesn't want to, and that is why they will likely lose. I'll pass on this moron...
McCain doesn't have a prayer either, he is too old for starters... Just go back to being a Senator John, matter of fact why not just retire?? His campaign finance reform bill is a disaster and has created far more corruption than if it had just been left as it was. His plan for amnesty is nauseating... I don't think he has a prayer either...
Romney looks like a President, but I don't think he has a prayer either, and I think it IS largely due to his being a Mormon (not sure why I capitalize that, I think they are a cult)... If I was running against him, I'd just play those South Park clips about Mormons over, and over, and over... Probably wouldn't have to do much else... He could end up being the Republican candidate, but I doubt it...
Thompson?? Please, this lazy moron doesn't have a clue... He has no chance of winning, THANKULLY!!! I used to think he might be good, until I've seen him in action, or non-action that is, since he announced...
Obama... This is who I will vote for. Do I believe in everything he does? ABSOLUTELY not!! I don't think any of the Rebuplican candidates have a prayer though, and if it's either Obama or Clinton, I'll take Obama every day of the week! I also think he is the ONLY candidate who can and has reached across the aisle, and not only been welcomed, but gladly! I think if he is the Democratic candidate, he will win by a landslide, the likes of which we have not seen in years. People like me, who never in a million years would vote for someone who believes the way he does, would vote for him just because they are tired of the polarization in Washington and just want to see something start getting done!! Rather than all the bickering and partisan politics...
So there you have it, my stance currently on what is going on with the race to the White House... Things change though, and November is a LONG way off, so my opinions could as well... We'll see... :)
Friday, January 04, 2008
Eagles-The Last Resort
Man, I forgot about this song!! I haven't listened to it in 15 years, but how true! This used to be one of my FAVORITES!
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Tick Tock...
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Happy New Year!!!

They did tell me they wouldn't play hide and seek anymore, I didn't for some reason tell them that actually playing the game was an issue, I guess I was too tired, who knows... So I guess it's off to the dentist in the AM for Chance if they are open, if not, then the next day... They put that plaster on his teeth to hold them in place until we can get to the dentist, we'll see how that works out!! I hope everyone else had a much less eventful and much more exciting night!! Not that it wasn't exciting or anything! Happy New Year!! :)