Monday, December 31, 2007


Nothing going on that is... :) I've pretty much done nothing since Christmas Eve except go through almost a full rack of firewood and watch movies with Carolyn... There aren't that many movies out there that are even watchable though, but we have suffered through some:

*Bug - possibly the stupidest movie I have ever watched, not even sure why we continued to watch it, but we did...

*Ghost Rider - barely watchable, but if you have ABSOLUTELY nothing else to do...

*Eastern Promises - mildly entertaining, although slow going at first...

*Next - again, mildly entertaining...

*Safe Harbour - if you like Danielle Steele then this is about the same as the rest of her books, something you can catch on Lifetime pretty much every few hours though...

*Transformers - I saw the previews and thought I might like it, it was however another of the stupidest movies I've ever seen, although not NEARLY as bad as Bug...

*The Kingdom - pretty lame as well, although I didn't turn it off for some reason...

*Wild Hogs - this one I did NOT finish watching, not sure though how I managed to sit through Bug and not this one, wow!

*Perfect Stranger - another almost unwatchable flick, but I sat through it for some reason...

*Mr. Brooks - we actually liked this one... :)

I think we actually watched a few others, the names of them don't exactly pop into my mind right now though... Now I've got to try and find some for tonight, but the issue is I don't think there are any more out there that I even WANT to bother watching, we'll see what I find on my way home from the office...

Happy New Year's Eve!!!


Jackie said...

WOW, you have been busy... watching movies that is!! That is quite a line up!

Mr. Brooks was good? We shall put it in the que.

Safe that the one where the exhusband slaughters the dog??? I think that is the one I got and yep, had to turn it off after that. :D

Titus just watched The Kingdom. Don't think he was a big fan either.

Transformers... couldn't pay me enough to sit and watch that one. Maybe if we had kids though. Was it a kids movie?

Ghost Rider and Next I have never heard of.

Thanks for letting us know what NOT to see!! :D

Matthew said...

Yeah, I think I've watched more movies in the past week than I have all year! :)

Safe Harbour was about something else, there was a dog in it, but no one killed it... :)

Transformers probably was more for kids, for some reason though, the preview we saw made me think I might like it, how wrong was that??

Plus, I have just picked up four more movies for today:

Alpha Dog, Stir of Echoes 2, Deliverance and The Day After Tomorrow (which I have already seen, but they are running out of options at the rental place :)

Petra said...

Andy didn't like Transformers either, but I liked it.

Mr. Brooks - Andy liked it... I thought it was okay - a bit creepy. Good acting though.

I saw The Kingdom and liked it. Andy didn't see it though - not sure he would like it or not.

Next was okay... nothing to write home about, but watchable.

I haven't seen the rest, and from your raving reviews, I may never see them. lol!

I was going to do a movie review as well - probably tomorrow. I haven't really felt like blogging this week.