I hope everyone had a GREAT day with friends and family! As usual, the kids were up and ready to GO! Of course I told them to empty their stockings while Carolyn and I got ready... Joshua came over around 9:00, and of course there was the usual, where are the batteries, can you open this, how does this work... :) Then Carolyn fixed a great lunch for us, I did grill the steaks, but that is about it, and it was raining, so I had to open the garage and pull the grill right inside the garage to even cook them, NOT that I'm complaining, because we do need the rain! :) Cory and Jessica came over and had lunch with us, then we opened more presents... Then Joshua left to go to Marci's and we headed over to Nate's parents house where we exchanged more gifts and socialized for a bit before heading back home... Now I'm actually working believe it or not... :( I do get to work from home, but have to cover for pretty much the entire globe until midnight, hopefully nothing breaks! :)

Ready to tear into the presents!

Chance and Tanner... I neglected to get them any games for it though thinking that, "Hey, it comes with five games!"... Needless to say, the five games it comes with aren't exactly that fun!! So I suppose I'll have to go get them some games for it tomorrow... :)

Cory got Jessica this dog for Christmas, and it is SO little, it looks like a little fur ball walking around. The kids LOVED it! So did Carolyn, now Carolyn wants one of them... :)

Hope everyone had a great day and Merry Christmas!!
Yeah, I know Tanner needs a haircut, but he doesn't want one... :)
Hey! Enjoyed seeing everyone and the lunch was delicious! Merry Christmas!
Oh, and that puppy was adorable!! I almost want one myself....if I didn't have to clean up after it and stuff :-).
Yeah, exactly! I told Carolyn I'd get her one once Bo is fully trained... :)
I thought you were going to the movies...
Well, we tried to go to the movies, but when I met Marci and Canyon at the theater - the movies we wanted to see were SOLD OUT - and there was a LONG line of people waiting to buy tickets.....so we said forget it, and went home. :-)
Merry Christmas!! We had a great day as well, though I haven't gotten any photos off my camera yet. I'll try to blog tomorrow. I'm going to go help clean up so we can relax and watch Pirates 3 (Jarvis bought it for the whole family, and Brittany and I haven't seen it yet).
That dog is really cute! I almost want one too... almost. Maybe I'll get a dog to clean up after when I no longer have a toddler to clean up after. :)
Wow, your boys almost look like teenagers!
Soon enough Daniel, not quite though! They are 9 and 10, so I've got a couple of years left! :)
So, are you getting Carolyn a puppy!!! That would be fun, especially if you got one of Jessica and Cory's puppy's brother or sister!! KEEP IT IN THE FAMILY!!! How adorable!!! :D!!!
LOL Jackie, no more dogs here!! Not yet anyway! :)
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