Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Alrighty Then...

So yeah, I've not posted regularly in a week or so, but I haven't felt like it... :)

What have I been up to you might ask? Or maybe not, but who cares, I'll tell you anyway... Well, there is the whole kitchen thing going on, and it's ALMOST done, but not quite, but then, I'm NOT very good at finishing those last few details... Kind of hard not to in the kitchen though, so I'm sure it will be done in the next few days, we'll see! I must say though that it looks a helluva lot better than it did! No, I don't have any pictures yet, soon though, soon...

Why do I insist on putting those ... after sentences?? I have no idea, I just do! :)

How about the "Holiday Parties" at the school? Okay, first of all, I don't like the term holiday party, or winter party, or whatever it is they want to call it, but that's what they call it because of a VERY small minority of people who love to run their noise holes incessantly about it and the VERY large majority who prefer for the most part to keep their yappers shut and just seeth inwardly that it is happening... Anyway, I'm the room Dad for Chance's class, so I wonder how many will chip in for that? We'll see, I sent the notes out today asking for help, but if I have to do it all myself, I'm sure I'll be fine. Luckily Taylor's class has their party at a different time, because no one volunteered to help, so I guess I will... Luckily there are a few parents who volunteer in Tanner's class as their party is the same time as Chance's class...

What else is going on? Well, I got assigned to a new task at work, so I have to learn about that, but it appears it's not that hard, so I DOUBT that is going to be an issue. I'm going through the kids Christmas "lists" deciding what we'll actually buy them, I guess Carolyn will get most of that done this weekend... I suppose the MOST important thing going on right now though is finding the time to watch Elf, because according to Andrea, it is a MUST watch film!! :)


Petra said...

Elf is excellent (but be forewarned: it is very silly). :)

That's great you help out with the kids school parties. I don't do that. Maybe I will when Jacob is in school too - we'll see. lol I send in baked goods or bags of candy when asked... or donate 5 bucks to the cause, etc. But show up and help? No. So I'm very impressed that you do all that stuff because I know most parents don't/can't/won't.

Can't wait to see the kitchen photos! :) (oh, and I use a lot of the ... as well - I just noticed I used it in the above paragraph. hmm.)

Jackie said...

LOL!! I use the...all the time... and I have no idea if I am using them right... but I do enjoy them! :D

I think that is great to be a part of your kids parties. When I was a nanny, I LOVED going. So cute to hang out with all the kids!

Looking forward to seeing the pics!

Andrea said...

Yeah I'm with you on the whole 'Holiday Party' etc. It's so stupid. I mean like 99.9% of Americans celebrate Christmas, it's all you see when you go out to the stores, it's everywhere. Is anyone really going to care if it's one more place? It's all the people that do celebrate Christmas caring too much about offending people. I bet none of the Jews or whatever other holiday-ers dont' care if someone has a Christmas party or not.

Matthew said...

Yeah, I doubt anyone cares, except that VERY small percentage of wackos that the 'mainly' government employees always seem to side with, go figure...