I have ZERO clue why it won't let me just post these all on the same post, but it won't and never has let me... So I had to do three posts... :)
August - in Monterey for Titus and Jackie's wedding!
August - Titus and Jackie Goodling!!!
September - I FINALLY finished the entertainment center that I started in April... Well, I use the term finished loosely because I still need to put the doors on the bottoms, and I STILL haven't touched up that wall where I had to move the thermostat... :)
October - this is about as far as we got on this whole project, there might be a few other things that got done, I'll get back out there in the next month or so and complete it so it will be ready come Spring!! Next year though, from Spring on, you'll find me sitting at that bar there with my computer watching everyone swim, while joining them occassionally... :)
November/December - The FINAL project of the year, I decided to redo the kitchen, which Carolyn absolutely LOVES I might add! So she didn't mind that it took me a month and a half to actually get it done... :)
Yeah, I TRIED to post these in chronological order, but I gave up finally and just posted them the way they wanted to be posted...
Now it is time to start the movie marathon again from now until midnight... :)
Busy year!! :-)
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Hopefully it will be an awesome one for everyone!
I read them in chronological order, b/c my OCD wouldn't allow me to read them in 3, 2, 1 order. :) Great photos - loved your review!!! You got a lot done!!!
We've been watching lots of movies and TV on DVD over the holidays too - it's been nice. We had a couple of trilogy marathons too - that was fun, watching some sequels back to back. My favorite was the Bourne movies (have you seen those?).
Yeah, I've seen all the Bourne movies, although I much preferred the books! I suppose that is true with most books that are turned into movies though...
Still not sure why it won't just let me post them all at once though... :(
It has been a busy year for you all!! But you look like you got alot accomplished! Thanks again for making the trip over again!! :D
What other movies did you all watch??
We wouldn't have missed it!!!
We watched:
United 93: actually a pretty good film, I didn't think it would be for some reason...
The Day After Tomorrow: we had actually already seen this one, but it's one we all like to watch for some reason... :)
Simpsons: the kids watched this one, I would NEVER be able to sit through it!
Slow Burn: we started to watch this one, but turned it off! HOW we sat through Bug though and couldn't sit through this one I have no idea!
Thus endeth the movie marathon! I might watch another one in a few months... :)
"The Day After Tomorrow" is pretty cool....especially the special effects! I like that part where the Oil Tanker is seen floating down 5th avenue (or whatever street that is)...that looks SO REAL!!
Yeah, we all like that movie for some reason... No clue why?!? :)
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