What's that Matt you might ask, or not, whatever... :) If you recall, before construction started on the pool, we had to cut down about 40 or 50 trees... They have been laying out behind the pool area ever since. So about three days ago, Carolyn and I decided to clean it all up. We have been burning, cutting and clearing for the past three days and I might add we are both rather tired right now. To make matters worse, we finished this evening about sevenish to come in and clean up and watch Survivor. IT'S NOT ON!!! What a letdown! Basketball?? Who cares? I suppose millions do, we DON'T!! I'm sure we'll survive though... :)
Moving the firewood we had Cory split up for us last year took a WHILE! I think we have enough firewood now to last us about ten years!!!
I don't actually have a before picture, but if you can picture that area covered with trees and limbs, that's what it looked like about three days ago before Carolyn and I tackled it! Of course if you MUST see a before picture, you can peruse the old posts, there is one in there somewhere... :)
Tis done... Right where that little tree is standing is the center of where I am going to build my kids a playground. The tree will come down of course. But Matt, don't you have about a gazillion other projects going on right now you might ask? Of course, but why not start another? :) I've been promising my kids a playground for about two years, so why not start another project is my opinion!! We'll see how that works out! :)
Yeah, I know there is still a tree laying there in the second photo... There are actually three left like that, but my poor chainsaw blade gave out, so I need to get another one tomorrow and cut the last three up... But hey, out of that many trees to cut up and burn, or save for firewood, three left isn't bad! :)
Also, with ANY luck, I'll get the rest of the siding on the pool house this weekend. What a difference that will make!
I can't wait to see the playground!! I'm sure the kids are excited. My kids would love the pool, playground, and all those woods!!! Our yard is about the size of one of their bedrooms. :-P But hey - we're just glad we HAVE a yard; those are hard to come by in this area of the country. :)
I knew it wouldn't be too long before you came up with another project :-)
Looking good though!
WOW!! That looks like a lot of work!!! You sure do tackle all the projects that I would never want to take on!! LOL!!! Good for you!!!
LOL!!! Petra- Yes, in this part of the country we stuggle with finding land to have around the house. :D
LOL Jackie, it WAS a lot of work, but no one else will do it for me... :) I'm not complaining though...
My kids LOVE 'the woods', and I'm glad they have it to play in. We've often looked for other places, but none match up to what we have, so here we stay... :)
The place looks great Matt. You've done a lot of hard work on it, makes me excited about our projects and the end results :)
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