What's that you might ask, or maybe not, who cares, I'll tell you anyway... I was trying to grab stills from a DVD and it kept coming up blank. I tried for two hours to do it, finally got it. Not sure what it is, but if there is something that I can't do technically, I'm not happy, so I figure it out. I FINALLY did! Why did I want stills? Well, years ago, 1985 to be exact, Joel and I were extras in the movie 'The Sluggers Wife' and I just recently bought the DVD, so I was trying to grab the stills where we were in it. I think I was about 17, I guess Joel must have been 20, I still remember telling Boyd and Candy where we had been when we got back from the shooting of the movie. Kind of funny now that I think of it... Anyway, here are the two stills I grabbed:
See if you can spot me in this pic. Michael O'Keefe was heading up the stairs to go into the bar... Joel is standing next to me but you can't see him because I had so much difficulty grabbing the still...
The funny thing is, Joel and I had gone outside so I could smoke, which is the only reason we were even in the previous shot, but once Michael O'Keefe got in the bar, Joel was one of the bartenders as you can see from this shot. I was dancing behind the bar, but it's too dark so you can't see me.
Wow! Blast from the past! Joel and I spent two days shooting that scene, I think we got paid $35 a day, but we had fun doing it. Chance saw the scene, and he was like, "You were in a REAL movie?" LOL! I told him that yeah, I was an extra in a movie 23 years ago... :)
Enough of that... You want pictures of the pool house Jackie? Here they are...
Still not 'pretty', but hey, I'm trying... I got most of the beadboard ceiling in and got the ceiling fan hung. The only reason I did not get the rest of the beadboard hung is because I miscalculated and did not have enough... So I'll get more this weekend and finish it... :(
This is what I have been doing, the electrical and the plumbing... Nearly done though!
FINALLY got the water heater set. I was actually going to buy a water heater stand but they were $40 and I was like, "Yeah, I can build one for about five bucks." So I did... I'll have more pics after this weekend, hopefully I get all the plumbing done... :)
Thanks for the pics Matt! :D
LOL at the movie stuff. That is fun. I think I was an extra once, not nearly as famous as you and Joel, but I was there. :D
I remember when you guys were in that movie.....well, I remember when Joel told me about it....I think I was away at college or something.
Slap some siding on that poolhouse and you'll be ready for some poolside parties :-) Looking good.
ok... that was me. :D
I was asking before it was deleted... how are the boys?? We haven't seen any more updates from them. Does Chance still have a girlfriend? How is Bo?? Cute as ever I'm sure? PICS PLEASE!!! Wow... I am so demanding. :D LOL!! j/k!! :D
And our BEAUTIFUL Taylor!! What is the little princess up to?? We have a pic of her and I right before the wedding. We love it and look at it all the time. I think it is one of the few pics that we caught her smiling that day!! :D So cute!!!
Everyone is fine, I think the whole blog thing was VERY short lived... :) I'll post pics over the weekend...
I actually have the siding, and with any luck, will get it on this weekend, we'll see how that works out... :)
Is that you at the bottom of the steps? I think I saw that movie years and years ago - not sure. I had forgotten you were in it. I think Joel was an extra in Forrest Gump too - one of the Marines doing exercises outside the window at boot camp, I think.
You guys are famous! :)
Yup, that's me... Yeah, REAL famous... :)
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