So yeah, that's what I've been up to... Normally I wouldn't even bother, electrical work is quite simple, it's the "code" you have to follow... I've been working, working, working on getting the pool house ready and finally got all the electrical boxes installed and am ready to wire it all this weekend, but just want to make sure I wire it to code, because I DON'T want to redo it... Inspectors I might add can be quite different... Just like the deck, one told me, "Just build the damn thing, then we'll check it out" another told me, "We have to inspect the holes for the posts before you pour the concrete"... Government...

Yeah, I haven't much felt like blogging lately, I might have some pics this weekend, for some reason I have not been taking any... I need to though, as I have documented this whole process via photos, so I have to remember to take the camera with me when I start working... :)
Who knows, we'll see if I finish this wiring project this weekend, I should, we'll see! :)
good luck with the inspector, i'm sure it's a 'who you get' type thing.
we're crossing our fingers here hoping it works in your favor!
LOL! It will, because I have painstakingly 'followed the code', even though it meant learning a little more than I really even needed to know... :)
Have fun with the inspection and wiring. Does not sound like fun to me. I'm sure you'll be glad when it's all done though and you can just lounge by the finished pool. :) I haven't felt like blogging much either. I'm sure I will again - there's just not enough sunshine here. I'm done with the gloomy cloudy days that have gone on since November. lol
Sounds like a busy weekend for you! :D
Huh... sorry to hear that you all are not much in the blogging mood. We're having a great time blogging over here!! :D We have lots of fun stuff going on right now and even more announcements to come in the next few months!! Stay tuned... but pipe in once in awhile for us! :D
LOL! I generally like to blog, just too much going on I suppose... :)
I nearly got the entire pool house wired today, I ran out of wire though, so tomorrow I'll finish it... Zach came over and helped me for about 6 hours, he was a HUGE help! So hopefully tomorrow will put another big dent in what needs to be done, I didn't take any photos today again for some reason, I'll try to take some tomorrow, because I know everyone just CAN'T wait to see them... :)
Sounds like fun, LeRoy is going to start to work on our electricity too. Remember we are coming Friday - the boys are very excited.
How could I forget?? :) We are all excited to see you guys!
LUCKILY, I did finish all the electrical work over the weekend, and even got a few more things crossed off the list! must. get. this. done. by. spring. !!! :)
Which is why I haven't been blogging I might add, perhaps later... :)
Yes, that is the first time I have ever. done. that. Well, second time now I guess... :)
A year or so ago, I had an entire blog post about interstitial periods, and how I hate them... lol!
LOL! Yeah, I'm not much on them either... :)
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