Actually, the only reason I'm sitting here is because I couldn't get my chainsaw to start back up, so said screw it, and came in... :)
How about Obama? Saying: "In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died..." Then he went on to say that he was tired... Ummm... The last time I checked, running the only Superpower is a tiring job... You are going to blame being tired for making that mistake... Hmmm... Might want to rethink your strategist...
Article here...
Know someone that you think might be here after the Rapture? Want to send them a letter? Well now you can:
The Post-Rapture Post...
Started by atheists obviously... I'm sure they'll make money, but WOW!!
I wonder if Arnold will pardon Paris Hilton? I hope she goes to jail myself... What about the petition?
Petition to pardon Paris...
"She provides hope for young people all over the U.S. and the world" WOW!!!! That would kind of be like saying that Satan provides hope for young and new Christians all over the world, wouldn't it?? She is a tramp, she is a worthless role model. She does think she is above the law because she has a few bucks. I wonder if Arnold will pardon her? We'll see...
The deck material arrived as well, the kids quickly took it over:
How about Obama? Saying: "In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died..." Then he went on to say that he was tired... Ummm... The last time I checked, running the only Superpower is a tiring job... You are going to blame being tired for making that mistake... Hmmm... Might want to rethink your strategist...
Article here...
Know someone that you think might be here after the Rapture? Want to send them a letter? Well now you can:
The Post-Rapture Post...
Started by atheists obviously... I'm sure they'll make money, but WOW!!
I wonder if Arnold will pardon Paris Hilton? I hope she goes to jail myself... What about the petition?
Petition to pardon Paris...
"She provides hope for young people all over the U.S. and the world" WOW!!!! That would kind of be like saying that Satan provides hope for young and new Christians all over the world, wouldn't it?? She is a tramp, she is a worthless role model. She does think she is above the law because she has a few bucks. I wonder if Arnold will pardon her? We'll see...
The deck material arrived as well, the kids quickly took it over:

Yeah Daniel, I went with pressure treated, couldn't justify the extra cost for composite... :)
I hope Paris goes to jail too! She's incredibly wicked... a role model? LOL
Yes - Paris needs to go to jail. She thinks she can do whatever she wants, and not have any responsibility .... wait - I guess 1/2 of America thinks that as well .... but yes, I think she should go.
Interesting... No comments on the post rapture people, but comments on Paris... Hmmm... :)
LOL. I haven't clicked on any of the links yet, but I was familiar w/ the Paris story, so that's what I commented on. :)
telling of american society that everyone knows of the paris story...
Just write your letter and it will be hand-delivered immediately following the exodus of the pure from the Earth. But you must be thinking to yourself, "How can the letters be delivered after the Rapture?" The answer is simple. The creators of this site are Atheists. That's right, we don't believe in God. How else would we be able to deliver your correspondence after the Rapture?
not a huge fan or anything, but i thought the post written by kaplan was interesting ...
I'm no fan at all of Kaplan, but it was an interesting article.
I checked out the post-rapture thing. Pretty stupid.
I haven't heard the news about "Paris." Thank God.
Paris Hilton? Role Model? Oh man. In the South Park episode she starts her own clothing store entitled 'Stupid, Spoiled Whore' and that about sums it up for me right there.
LOL Andrea! Yeah, that pretty much sums it up for me as well! :)
Do you never get out Daniel? How could you have not heard about Paris? They mention it everytime the TV is on it seems, or the radio... I guess if you don't turn the TV on or the radio it's possible... :)
It's also on the cover of half the tabloids if you ever are in the grocery store...
I know about Paris just because it was in the list of news headlines that I receive in my email. I believe it was #1. Sad, eh? Yeah, Daniel - I'm surprised you haven't heard about Paris if you watch/listen to any news at all. The media thinks that it's an important event that they must update us on every 5 seconds. "We're watching Paris eat dinner now... seems like she's unfazed... we believe she thinks she's getting out of going to jail since she's so famous... she's now in the ladies' room... it took her 6.7 minutes..."
Actually, I think I've heard of that rapture/atheist site before. Crazy.
It has been a while since I've watched the news. I try to avoid the tabloids at all costs and I don't listen to the radio much (except for Praise 104.7 which is black gospel, which is great, even though Michelle isn't a big fan. . . she likes some of it, though). I usually see the headlines that populate on my Google homepage, and I must have missed the Paris ones. . . or maybe I just saw the name and skipped to the next story. . . I would ask why she's going to jail but I think it would be an insult to myself to express any interest in that woman. . .
Okay, so did nobody care about my ER experience?! Are you all boycotting my blog or what? :)
I take it you didn't get the memo then Daniel? It's National Boycott Daniel's Blog Week... :)
Ack! I didn't see the ER post. I'm sure I checked your blog yesterday too - maybe I just need to hit 'refresh'. :) Going now. :)
LOL at the black gospel radio. :)
Okay, I have shared my story with all, and spared no detail. . .
It was an entertaining read I must say Daniel! :)
Glad to provide some entertainment! LOL
I actually laughed a lot writing it. . .
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