So in order to start the deck, the stairs in the back had to come down, the kids were THRILLED with the prospect...

I only had one sledge hammer, but all of the neighborhood kids ran home and came back with one. They were so excited to be able to knock down the stairs...

They couldn't quite get started, so I knocked a hole in the side for them, then they went to town...

The kids were VERY excited to have broken through the side...

They finally broke through both sides, and they couldn't wait to take down the top. It was getting dark though, and it was time to stop. I'm sure they will all be back tomorrow though to finish it...
I started knocking the stairs down while Carolyn was at school... :) She came home and was like, "Didn't you need those stairs to get the entertainment center upstairs?". LOL! I HATE painting!!! No, it's still not entirely painted, although it will only take a day to finish painting it... We'll see which gets done first, the deck or the entertainment center... :)
The MOST exciting part was, I had five guys who WANTED to knock it down, so I just stood back and watched after I knocked the first hole in the side... :)
Looks like a good way to let out some built-up agression. . . :)
lol. that entertainment center is becoming your nemisis.
LOL @ Carolyn's comment. :) Justice really wants to come help. I showed all the kids the photos. Can't wait to see the new deck. :)
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