Hillary Clinton
I think her comments today should scare most Americans.
Yeah, okay. I know the Democrats HATE individualism, but steal from the rich and give to the poor? It's called welfare. I wonder if Hillary would be willing to 'share' her homes and wealth with others? Oh yeah, that only applies to everyone else... It's called socialism people!
John McCain
Not sure I even need to comment about this hothead. This guy is so desparate to be President, he will do/say ANYTHING to get elected. Him and Teddy ganging up on the illegal criminal alien bill should be enough to wake most people up. Then him getting all pissed off and using the F word clearly shows how desperate he is. Wow!
Barack Obama
Umm... I know people seem to love him, but hello! What does he stand for? What are his plans? He hasn't actually said. Great! Yeah, let's make him President...
John Edwards
This idiot is so vain, is that who we want for President? He doesn't have much in the way of plans either, except to bash the current administration, which is fine I might add, but what are you going to do differently? I think the statement on his web page says a lot: "The president has vetoed funding for the troops, and he's the only one responsible for blocking the resources they need." Umm, no. Congress put SO much pork into that bill, along with demands for timetables, does he think Americans are that stupid? Oh yeah, they are, never mind...
Rudy Giuliani
Not much to say here, what does he have going for him? He was the mayor of NY on 9/11? Does he have any other credentials? A lot of baggage if you ask me...
Mitt Romney
I don't think most will be able to get past his so-called religion... Seems like a nice guy though. Just not sure how many will buy into the whole "I found the golden tablets, interpreted them, and no one else can see them, but everyone must believe what they said" religion thing...
Wow! There are others, I just don't think many of them have a chance. It will be interesting to watch, and I just wonder which one of these people will harm America worse?
Speaking of the President... Did I hear him correctly today?? Saying the immigration bill isn't amnesty?? Then what do you call it? They are criminals, they broke the law, and we are to forgive them all and let them get on the track to being here legally and then become citizens? Secure the border!! If your house is flooding, what do you do? Stop the flow of water, then deal with the clean up! That's exactly what we should do with immigration! Just the thought of becoming legal residents likely sends tons more flooding across the border. Can't we just secure the borders, then deal with the ones who are here??