Of course I suppose it's Christmas everywhere and not just in the city... I just love Christmas songs, well, some of them anyway... :)

The kids start Christmas break (or as they call it, the holiday break) Monday and I'm pretty much off the rest of the year myself, so who knows what we'll get into. Don't really have too much planned for next week, I'll probably tackle the slate in Cory's room and get that out of the way, Carolyn's sister and her husband are coming down Christmas day and that's really about it... I STILL haven't mailed out my Christmas cards, but at least I have them in front of me now so I'll hopefully get them out tomorrow... :)
Okay, so I only got half of my cards addressed... :(
Oh well, at least I won't get any retaliatory cards... :)
Reminds me of this rather humorous post:
The Art of Sending Christmas Cards...
I think it's hilarious anyway... :)
Yeah, I got my cards out earlier this year than ever before. I do still have a couple sitting on my desk that I wasn't sure on the address or something - but after I got the initial stack out, I kind of 'forgot' about the few that were left. :)
lol. Yeah, I always seem to have a 'stack' that doesn't go out with the initial pile and they never seem to go anywhere except in the trash when I realize they aren't EVER going to make it anyway... :)
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