It's so blatant, it's amazing... All you see on the news is talk about all the "poor" people in Gaza, why don't we hear or see any news about missiles being fired FROM Gaza into Israel?? Which is WHY Israel is fighting back. Name me one other sovereign nation that WOULDN'T retaliate...

If Canada had been firing missiles into Maine for the past three weeks, or if Mexico had been firing missiles into Arizona for the past three weeks, I can assure you that we would annihilate them... So yeah, the media bias is stunning... Well, not really...
I think one of the most biased news organizations of all is NBC... All they show is all of the poor people in Gaza, and all they show is the plight of the Palestinians... Not a word or nary a picture of all the missiles being fired at Israel by the Palestinians from Gaza.
Oh, Matt don't get me started with that horrible thing we call "media" They are a joke!
Why do they hate Israel so much??? What is going on???
I told my mom about your blog. I think she went to bed now, but I am sure she will have lots to say on this topic!! :D
I'm glad to hear now that Israel is launching some of it's own attacks right back instead of just sitting there and doing nothing. :D Go ISRAEL!!!
Yeah, it's amazing. The entire world sits there and says practically nothing while rockets are lobbed at Israel, and the moment Israel strikes back, it's "Oh my God!". Stunning...
It is absolutely ridiculous! The media - ugh - don't get me started either. lol!!
I remember the first time Andy went to Iraq and he watched the news and he was just blown away by the blatant lies and how the media did not represent AT ALL what was really going on over there. It's amazing really that so many people believe everything they see on CNN, etc.
And hello! Why wouldn't Israel fight back?!?!?! It's bizarre some of the "logic" the media comes up with.
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