Tick tock... Four days to go, the kids are getting quite excited, as I'm sure all kids are all over! They decorated their rooms yesterday, our neighbor was "getting rid" of a bunch of stuff and unloaded it all on them... Ugh! The last time that happened, it took me nearly a month to "get rid" of it all myself... Oh well, they have a blast with it all, so who cares.
Well, I'm off for the rest of the year (pretty much), I am on call still until Monday morning at 8 so hopefully nothing else happens. I ended up working Friday night and Saturday morning until about 5:30, then got called again at 7:56AM on Saturday and worked until nearly 6PM correcting a disastrous mistake made by another "IT person", using that term quite loosely I might add! I'm about to start laying slate in Cory's room, which is the last room in the house that hasn't had a new floor put down since we got this place, so we'll see how that works out...
Hope everyone is enjoying the last few days as the countdown to Christmas continues... :)
I have that song on my Christmas playlist. :)
My kids ask every day "can we just open all the gifts today?" :) They are excited!
Don't you love it when people unload their junk onto your kids? Of course, I do that to other people's kids, so there's that... :)
It's quite fun watching how excited the kids are, and it builds daily as it gets closer! :)
Yeah, I THOUGHT the kids had gotten a lot of junk from the neighbor, but I just went up to the pool house and there is a TON more up there... Ugh!
Our kids are very excited too :)
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