For everyone to relax... So many people get so uptight and stressed this time of year, and for the life of me, I can't figure out why... Oh well, better them than me I suppose. We finally got around to trying to take some pictures for our 'card', this is about how it went...

I think we finally ended up with 1 out of the 50 we took that will have to do... Yeah, those will be in the mail 'soon'! :) Other than that, just enjoying the holidays. Hope everyone else is as well!
Yeah, we are enjoying the holidays also. LeRoy takes off Friday and is off until the new year. We hope to take a day trip to DC next week to see the lights and decorations. Then head to Buffalo to see Niagara Falls before heading to Ithaca to visit family after Christmas.
My pictures went about as well as everyone else I see. The boys have the hardest time coordinating their smiles :).
LOL, love the out takes! :D Boy, that is a hard task! :D Just try doing it while speaking dog! :D Really hard!!!
Yeah... I ended up using one where Darby's hand is completely blurry because she's moving it, but it was the ONLY one I got where everyone was looking and semi-smiling. lol.
And I'm totally with you on the relaxation. I have some homemade things I want to do for gifts and things, but if I don't feel like doing it, then I'm not - if they get done they get done. C'est la vie. :)
Aucun blaguer or Aucun badiner or Sans blague (depending on which translator you trust! :)
Yeah, take it easy... I'm off Christmas week, but where I work there isn't a whole lot going on this month anyway.
DC and Niagara Falls sound like fun trips! I plan to take the kids to a movie this weekend, which is about the extent of our travels for the rest of the year... :)
You know... I get it why people get stressed out! :D My work isn't that hard, but it does take time away from home. And adding creativity to it all is hard. I am not naturally creative... it's a job for me just to come up with stuff. :D
Plus, it drives me nuts when the house is a mess and I know people are coming over. I am not ever trying to be superwomen, but I certainly don't want to come across that we live in the animal shack! :D But, I guess we do. :D
But, it does seem like there are a million and one things to do this month. I don't feel like I have caught up yet! :D
You could always just assume my mentality Jackie...
We have people coming over as well, but I just assume everyone realizes that we have three kids, a dog, a cat, and several hamsters/lizards and at any given moment there may be multiple other neighborhood kiddoes running around, so if that's not your cup-of-tea and you prefer a "Martha Stewart" type of environment, I can recommend several hotels in the area... :)
But yeah, it IS a busy month! :)
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