Tanner has been wanting a gokart for a while now, particularly since Chance is tooling around on his dirt bike... He found one on Craigslist (the whole family loves that site! :) and begged us to get it for him as an 'early' birthday present, which was stretching it a bit if you ask me, his birthday is in September... Would almost be like asking for an advance on next year's Christmas presents on New Years Day... That's just me though... He DID talk us into it though... :)

I told them they could ONLY ride around the house today!! I can just see the huge track around our house if I let this continue, so I suppose tomorrow I will HAVE to find a place for them to ride in the back... May have to fire the Bobcat up for that one... We'll see...
Okay, my kids already want to move in with you because of the pool and the dirt bike. I don't think I'm even going to TELL the boys about the gokart! lol!!!
LOL! Send them down for a visit... We would love to have them... :)
Okay we want to come down in July ... will you be there the last week in July? The boys have been begging to come and I finish up school then :).
That's great for Tanner and Taylor! Did she drive it too?
So far Taylor is just a passenger, but she loves it!
We'll be here Timberly... Come on down! :)
So yeah, there is already a "trail" in my front yard, so the cease and desist order has been given... No one was too keen on it either... The kids that is... We just spent an hour or so cutting down a few trees and giving them a few trails in the back, we'll have to "refine" them a bit, but yeah, not going to let them tear up my front yard that Carolyn and I have spent years working on... :)
LOL!!! WOW! how fun!!! you are soo good to those kids!!! :D
Can we come, too??? I wanna ride!!! :D
Absolutely!!! Come on out, we'd love it!
The thing is actually big enough, I've driven it myself, so has Carolyn. Just have to get the 'trails' behind the pool going. We are nearly there, they already have 'taxi stops' setup along the way, with signs nailed to the trees... I made their first set of "trails" today, and will finish it up tomorrow, I told them they are on their own after that... :)
Maybe when we move back to the south (well, if and when). From here - it's a bit of a drive, and yeah - plane tickets are a bit high right now. They'll just have to live vicariously through the photos for now. :)
The trails sound fun. :)
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