Tuesday, June 24, 2008

George Carlin - Religion is bullshit.

I wonder how this guy is feeling about now, seeing as he died Sunday... Perhaps a bit like the rich man in Luke. Not that you can't question God, Gideon did, and God provided the sign Gideon asked for, not just once either...


Joshua Goodling said...

Yeah - he's definitely regretting those statements now!

Matthew said...

Yeah, the USA Today had two pages on him today... I suppose he is mildly amusing at times, but I just wonder at times when people die, actually all the time when people die, I think, "I wonder what they thought when they realized how it actually is"... Of course at that point, I don't suppose it really matters, because it's too late...

Jackie said...

He was kinda funny. I know my brother liked him. I have just seen a few clips and he has some good points... the Giant Shrimp for instance... concept is funny, when you think of it! :D Then he did a demo of what happens to the frog when you order just the legs at a restaurant... Silly, but funny thought... kinda! :D poor frog :(

I also heard that he recently made a comment about how things happen in 3's and how there have been 3 deaths recently (Tim Russert and 2others) so he thought he was safe for a little while. Guess not! :D

Matthew said...

Yeah, I read today that he was convinced that he would live to be 91 based on his calculations... He was 20 years off... I actually agree with a LOT of the things he went on about, the giant shrimp included... :) I suppose the ONLY thing I didn't agree with him on was his stance on God... Well, maybe not that only thing, but still...

Petra said...

He did the voices on some of Jacob's
Thomas the Tank Engine videos. Just fyi. I didn't know he died (haven't kept up with the news in a week or two).