Sunday, June 22, 2008

Taylor's Turn...

Taylor wasn't having any of it, she wanted to drive the excavator, and why not? So drive it she did, and did a great job I might add! I just hate seeing people who can't or won't do shit, and I try to teach my kids how to do it all...


Joshua Goodling said...

Good Job Taylor! :-)

Jackie said...

I love it!! LOL!! All that ruff and tuff work with her Panda Bear in her lap! :D So cute!!

Tim said...

Very good, she's a natural! The panda bear is cute, I didn't notice it till you said something Jackie.

WHO is marci? said...

great job taylor. I'm with you matt, if they want to try let them :)

Matthew said...

Exactly!! So many parents are like, "You're too young, little, etc"... Which is why so many people grow up to be incompetent dumb asses...

Matthew said...

Oh, and Jackie, she had actually gone to the zoo earlier in the day and got that Panda! She LOVES it! :)

Petra said...

Another post that I missed - seem to have missed all the video posts for some reason; did they not show up for me right away? Questions...

So Justice and I watched this and totally cracked up when you told Sarah "look out sweetheart - this is a machine that can KILL you!" hahaha!!!! So funny. I mean, I know it was necessary to keep her away - but we were just rolling at the way you said it. lol! :)

And yes - we try to let our kids do things for themselves as well - how else will they ever learn??