Carolyn found this fence on Craigslist... So I have to put it up... :( We are going to make an area for Bo so he doesn't have to stay on the cable...
I'm going to put it on the side of that garage there. It will be about 50 feet by 20 feet, and I'll put a doggie door in the door on the side of that garage (you can't really see it in this pic) and Bo will be able to go in and out as he pleases... Plus, Chance is going to get a dog, and that dog will also be in there with Bo. So Bo will have a playmate and they will be able to run around and play without the cable... :)
Now I just have to clean this out again!! Of course that flagstone will soon be out of there, as will those boxes, which is the furniture for our deck once that gets done (yeah, it's been sitting there for a year). So it should work out for everyone!
Of course the BEST news is I got the refrigerator hooked up in the pool house, so I went and stocked it today with beer and water! :) I also cleaned the pool house out because I am nearly ready to lay the slate down... Of course I STILL have to finish the deck, get that boulder out of there, blah, blah, blah... The GOOD news is though that once I get the yard smoothed back out, Cory knows some guy that he can get sod from for $86 a pallet (it's usually about twice that or more) and he is going to sod the entire back for us... So SOON you might not recognize this place!!! :)
Speaking of Cory, he just got back from Wyoming and Montana... I haven't seen the pictures yet, but will post a few once I get them. Funny, I've been to most of the states in the US, but those are two I've never been to. Cory has been to both of them twice now.
I almost threw that refrigerator away last week, but decided to clean it out and plug it in! We'll get a smaller one eventually, because that one is kind of big for in there, but for NOW, it beats having to go down to the house to get a water or a beer! :)
Wow Matt, it is looking awesome! We are still hoping to come down at the end of July, :).
We are anxiously awaiting your arrival Timberly! :)
YEEEAAAAHHHHH!!! You are getting a playmate for BO!!!! He will love it!!!
LOL!!! Carloyn is giving you more chores to do! LOL!! That is one of the perks of having a handy husband... we know you can do it, so we set you up to!! :D Yep, your vege garden just got pushed back a bit! :D
LOL Jackie... Yeah, the garden has taken like the back, back burner... :)
And Jackie, Chance is counting down the days... He has saved his money and WANTS a dog so bad he can't stand it!! He insists he is going to train it, love it, take care of it, etc... So a dog he shall have!! He is going to name it Roxie... :)
Of course Taylor is like, "So once Bo and Roxie have puppies, can I keep one of them for my dog??" :)
Ugh! So we may soon have more than a few animals... Whatever though, I don't mind animals, I'm not an animal 'lover' though. I do like horses, but I tolerate the rest of them. I do like Bo though, and I bring him treats and what not, but play with him, yeah, not too interested in that. I did take him on a long walk today though, so I guess that counts, who knows... :)
:D That is great Matt!! I am so happy to hear that you took Bo on a walk!!
What type of dog is Chance thinking of getting?
UHH, what if the dog Chance gets is a boy... still Roxie?? :D I guess you could spell it Rocksie! :D My mom's dog was named Mollie, but when we found out it was a boy it is now Maulie. :D
LOL! Chance wants a girl dog for some reason, even though I told him that with a girl dog and a boy dog there WILL be puppies!! :)
He actually wants a border collie, so we'll be getting him one once I get that fence up.
I did get the area cleared out today, the fence moved over there and the stakes up to mark where it goes. The neighbor kid will dig the post holes, I've HAD it with manual digging!!!! So Zach (the neighbor kid) will be over tomorrow to start digging! :)
It seems like lately I'm moving from one thing to the next on a daily basis, but I see it all coming together and just want it ALL done, so it really doesn't matter what project I tackle from day to day, it all needs to GET DONE SOON!!!!! :)
A border collie??? Interesting choice. Those will make some good puppies! :D
hmm.. a border collie. Just a note - they are great escape artists and require a lot of attention and room to run. Of course, she'll have room to run. Our dog was a border collie... whew - what a chore she was! She wanted sheep to herd or something, so she started trying to herd the kids. And she HATED other animals and went ballistic whenever she was around them. If we had socialized her as a puppy, though, I'm sure she would have been fine. She was super friendly, though, and LOVED the kids and would have protected them with her life!!! :)
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