So anyway, I haven't felt like blogging lately, or rather, once I get inside after working, I'm too tired to... :) I've been toiling away in the baking sun trying to get this deck up... FINALLY to the point where I start putting down the decking, which will start here in a few minutes...
Throwing in a few 'extra' nails just to 'make sure'... Although the deck ISN'T going anywhere! My neighbor thinks I WAY overdid it, but whatever... As you can see, I have just about baked myself to extra well done... No where to hide though where that deck is, it is right under the baking sun pretty much all day, so I'm sure I'll be extra, extra crsipy by tonight as it is supposed to be 97 degrees here today...
Cleaned up and ready for the decking...
The decking should go on rather easily, the post/rails MIGHT be more of a challenge, who knows, we'll see... :)
Why do I have swimming trunks on you might be thinking? The kids finally talked me into jumping in the pool, so I jumped in the pool a few times in between working... Felt pretty good actually! :)
THAT IS SOOO AWESOME!!! It is coming along so quickly!
And I am with you... when it comes to nails, you can never have too many! LOL!!
So, it gets pretty toasty around here. :D And the upstairs is always much warmer, so do you all use AC or fans??? We have both, but we have yet to put on the AC. We are waiting until we really need it! :D We think that it will shoot our electric bill out of this world. Any thoughts??
LOOKS AWESOME!!!! What project is on after this???
YES! I waited as long as I could, but as of about 3 or 4 weeks ago, both HVAC systems are running full blast, and I fully expect my electric bills to jump by at least 2 or 3 hundred a month! Especially since I often find doors that lead outside open!?!? Sigh... I also keep the house at about 73 or 74... So that may be why my bills are that much higher, but hey, I like to be able to walk into a cool house after toiling outside... :)
Once the deck is done, I suppose I'll get that pool house done, then get all the flagstone, etc down up there... Then who knows, perhaps I'll relax for a change... :)
Looking good!
We have no a/c here - ugh!!! So we use fans, which do not do the trick when it gets warm.
73 or 74? I like to keep my house at like 67. lol. We paid more for heat in the winter than we ever did a/c in the summer, but we actually just turned the a/c down at night (I like to sleep in the cold) and kept it around 72ish in the daytime. I'm still using the heater some mornings here - not cool!!
How's that sunburn coming, Matt? I hope you are stocked up on aloe. :)
When you are walking inside after sweating your ass off in the blazing 95 degree heat, 74 feels like a freezer!! We have ceiling fans though in every room in the house, so with the A/C on 74 and the fans, it feels nice... :)
I'm with you on the fans there, nothing like A/C... Sunburn is doing fine I might add, I'll be out there for another week and then it won't bother me anymore... Not sure what the whole 'sun effect' is actually doing for my skin, but whatever... I figure if God felt it necessary for us to protect our skin with "whatever lotion/concoction you use" then when He created Adam, he would have given him a bottle of Coppertone...
P.S. I do use Aloe Vera though... :)
lol. Well, I rarely put on sunscreen either. I'd rather have a tan, and my burns usually turn into tans so it all works out in the end. But uh yeah - living here I definitely haven't had to worry about it one bit... and even in TX, it was so ridiculously hot there in the summer, that we basically stayed indoors in the summer - so I haven't really seen much sun since living in TN. Not that anyone cares about THAT tangent, but whatever. :)
You gotta use some sunscreen!?!?!?
I used a bunch yesterday when we were in the sun. My poor white body has not seen the sun since our honeymoon, so I didn't want to scorch my first day out! Still got good color though! FUN!!
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