Today I got all the posts set and the gate hung... Now I just have to let those posts set for about 48 hours, then I can hang the chain link...

Of course this is how the kids like to spend their days... Going around, and around, and around on the dirt bike and gokart, and occassionally jumping in the pool to cool off... Summer time!! :)
It was Canyon's birthday last week, so we celebrated his birthday as well... 13 years old!
We normally take the kids somewhere when their birthday's roll around, but Chance was like, "Instead of going anywhere, can you just give me the money you would have spent instead?" So we did... :)
I'm going to put it on the side of that garage there. It will be about 50 feet by 20 feet, and I'll put a doggie door in the door on the side of that garage (you can't really see it in this pic) and Bo will be able to go in and out as he pleases... Plus, Chance is going to get a dog, and that dog will also be in there with Bo. So Bo will have a playmate and they will be able to run around and play without the cable... :)
Speaking of Cory, he just got back from Wyoming and Montana... I haven't seen the pictures yet, but will post a few once I get them. Funny, I've been to most of the states in the US, but those are two I've never been to. Cory has been to both of them twice now.
I wonder how this guy is feeling about now, seeing as he died Sunday... Perhaps a bit like the rich man in Luke. Not that you can't question God, Gideon did, and God provided the sign Gideon asked for, not just once either...
Taylor wasn't having any of it, she wanted to drive the excavator, and why not? So drive it she did, and did a great job I might add! I just hate seeing people who can't or won't do shit, and I try to teach my kids how to do it all...
Wow! What a day, and more of the same tomorrow... Chance was a GREAT help today, and says he will help again tomorrow... Of course I'm paying him $6 an hour, so I suppose that helps... :)
Careful Matt!!! I thought it was a rock or something, I was trying to find where I had left off with the drain from the pool house and I severed the ethernet, phone and satellite cables... LUCKILY I didn't do the same to the electric, which was RIGHT below it!! Whew!
So yeah, on my way home from work tomorrow, I'll pick up the mini-excavator and try and resolve all the "drainage" issues that I have here... Bury a LOT of black drainage pipe, so who knows, maybe I'll get it done, maybe not... Time will tell... :)
Other than that? Just life as usual around the Goodling household here in Acworth!! Fun stuff! I did actually go swimming with Carolyn and the kids for about 10 minutes today, which is about how long I actually even want to be in the pool... Hmm... :)
Oh yeah, the guys both have camp again next week. Chance is going to basketball camp and Tanner is going to football camp, and now Taylor wants to go to camp to do something, so we'll find her a camp to go to as well!
I told them they could ONLY ride around the house today!! I can just see the huge track around our house if I let this continue, so I suppose tomorrow I will HAVE to find a place for them to ride in the back... May have to fire the Bobcat up for that one... We'll see...
Of course the whole time I'm doing all this, the kids and half the neighborhood kids are all swimming and making a mess... Carolyn has laid down the LAW about towel usage... One towel, per kid, per day!! I don't blame her though, I got up this AM to take a shower and there were no towels?!? I did find one on the dryer though... These kids want to swim for thirty minutes to an hour, then stop, then swim for thirty minutes... ALL. DAY. LONG. :)
Chance and Tanner are about to start camp... Chance is taking an extreme science camp and Tanner is going to some art camp... It's just day camp, they start at 9 AM and end around 2 or 3... Our neighbor has her grandkid all summer, so she is going to take them to and from the camp, so that worked out GREAT!! Other than that, same old thing going on, just trying to finish these projects, working, tending to the family and half the neighborhood kids, etc...