I'd post something meaningful, but you know, there is not much going on around here except work, working on the projects, and life in general... :) Chance is having a BLAST riding his dirt bike, so are the other kids, but Chance rides it nonstop! Tanner just went with Nate and his family to eat at some Mexican restaurant, Chance wasn't interested, he's riding his dirt bike... :) Of course I've been working on the pool house...
Can you spot the differences from the last photo I posted?? It's tedious! I've had to make all that trim around the siding, and it has taken FAR longer than I had anticipated... Oh well, it will soon be done! How long have I been saying that?? :)
Still a LOT to do, but it's getting there, slowly but surely...
I've TOTALLY neglected the front since I had it done, LUCKILY it doesn't look that bad... Also, I'm SO glad Cory does our lawn maintenance, if I had to do it I'm sure the grass would be knee high!! I'll get back to that once I'm done in the back!!
It's looking fabulous!! :)
Thanks. The more I get done though, the more I realize just how much is left to do... Ugh! :)
Love it, I know you'll enjoy it once it is all done :)
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