Friday, May 23, 2008


Taylor and her friend Hannah at their party...

Taylor and Hannah again...

Of course Tanner's party was yesterday, and his room parent never really mentioned that it was yesterday and not today, so no one went to his party... :( I did go see him at lunch today and he wanted to know if I could just take him home now, so we did... :)

Final stop, our celebration dinner... Of course some people likely think we are NUTS for eating dinner at 4:30, but whatever... :)


Petra said...

Cute photos! Taylor looks a little like Tori in a couple of those photos. :)

Actually, eating dinner at 4:30 is a great idea - beat the rush!! :)

Matthew said...

Exactly!! I HATE having to wait 30 - 45 minutes or more for a table!!! Which is why we eat early... :)