On to another topic though, for a change... The 'Federal Gas Tax' holiday that both McCain and Clinton are touting... I'm with Obama on that one, it is pandering PLAIN and SIMPLE!! It will save most Americans about twenty or thirty bucks... I read somewhere that it would be the equivalent of solving the obesity problem in this country by making Twinkies, ho-hos, and deep-fried Mars bars tax deductible. They are right! It's pandering for votes, no way around it. The problem is, most people are so Fing stupid, they probably think it will save them money.
Lets say you drive 41 miles a day, the average would be about a gallon and a half of gas a day... The federal tax on that is 27 cents! Wow! So this 'proposed' Federal Gas Tax holiday will save the average consumer about 23 bucks over the entire summer... Try not to spend it all at once... Idiots... That would be the American people who would vote for those morons for proposing it, the smarter American people would denounce McCain and Clinton for being so idiotic and vote for Obama even though they don't agree with everything he says... Obama though has called it like it is, pandering for votes amoung the great unwashed, and wow, there are a LOT of them!!
I also finished that book tonight, 'World Without End'... The first one was MUCH better. It's almost like he got tired of writing it and hurried through the last hundred pages. It was still a good book though...
I saw Clinton on the news last night, I still can not get used to her voice :). I wish there was a miraculous 4th option for presidential candidates but of course that would be too easy.
Glad the lights worked, I like the motion sensor ones.
I don't think I'm even going to finish Pillars of the Earth - it's like a chore instead of relaxation. And why does he have to include SO many details of the architecture - I mean I know Tom Builder builds, but good heavens... enough already! So if someone could just tell me what happens, that'd be great.
Pool house looks great with the lights!! :)
LOL! Not enjoying the book then I take it! Different people, different tastes I suppose, I still say it was the best book I ever read, although Count of Monte Cristo is a close second... :)
I also enjoyed the Count of Monte Cristo, a great read.
Congrats on the lights, Matt!!!
Looks really great!
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