Friday, May 23, 2008

Congratulations Chance!!!

Not that graduating from 5th grade is a HUGE accomplishment in the big scheme of things, but for a 5th grader it is pretty important!! :)

Chance did manage to get the Honor Roll all year!

On to Middle School!!

Their last "walking the halls at Russom"...

So that's it, last day of school... The kids are SO excited about it being summer vacation, not that I blame them, I never did like school at all! Off to Taylor's 'end of the year party'...


Petra said...

My kids have three weeks left, but we don't start until after Labor Day so there's that.

lol - Justice graduated from 5th last year, but the elementary here goes to 6th so he'll graduate again.

Congratulations Chance! :)

WHO is marci? said...

congrats Chance :) finishing 5th grade is great... canyon was so excited to start middle school and get a locker - love the "walking the halls" ceremony all of my boys did that -

last day was today for us too, matthew finished his finals and is now a senior, tim passed college 2nd year and is working with me, and canyon is sooo ready for summer heading to 7th

funny how fast they grow up

Tim said...

Congrats Chance :).