Well, that's a lie, there is a shitload of stuff going on, none of it exciting though, of course it's all exciting to me!! Well, it's not necessarily exciting, but getting it done is exciting I should have said... :)
I spent a good part of the day getting that shower drain moved over... It was a nightmare! I had paid the neighbor kid to dig out the concrete, but I had to move it over another 8 inches because I was unable to get a saw in there to cut the damn pipe off... I'm GLAD that's done!!
Of course the kids took turns riding the dirt bike and swimming... Canyon came over last night, and believe it or not, they all swam LATE last night... I can't do it, the water is still too cold for me. They don't mind though. Tanner FINALLY made it to the "big boy track"... They call it that because you have to be able to maneuver between those trees there... Of course you can't really see them in this picture, but there are three trees at the right that you have to go through, anyway, Tanner is now riding on the "big boy track"...
Yep... I got the bar varnished, the lights on and the ceiling fan is working as well... Not sure why I'm surprised, I just am... :)
AND! I finally got the water from the house hooked up!! We'll soon see if there are leaks, because I haven't tested any of it yet.... :)
I doubt there are though, I'm anal about my solder joints, etc... Who knows though. So yeah, that's what's going on around here. I am on a mission, I MUST finish this soon because I'm tired of working on it!! We'll see how that works out!
Yeah, I know I still need to do that trim in the corner, but I keep putting it off because it's a rather complicated piece to make... You'd think I'd do the hard stuff first, but I usually save it for last... :)
Slowly but surely, right? :)
Too slowly for me! :)
Well, I went to set that shower pan today, and of course I didn't take into account the length of the drain fitting... :(
So I'm going to have to dig down another 3 Fing inches... Or rather, I'll put that project to the side and move on to something else, so the next time the neighbor kid comes over wanting to know if I need something done, I'll have something for him to do... :)
good on tanner!! that bar looks nice, got beer on tap? :)
Bar looks great, LOL about the big boy track :). YAY for Tanner though.
LOL!! Looks like it is coming along so well!! NICE!!!
YEAHHH for Tanner!!!
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